Broken stalk help please

Broken stalk help please

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Well-Known Member
I'd like to experiment with grafting sometime. Its sound very interesting. Im not sure if they make something like this but when we cut ourselves we use antibiotic cream or spray to prevent infection. Is there a spray or something that you can use on plants to prevent infection at the site?
yes they make a 'pruning sealer' often used when grafting or pruning trees.

you can also just use Elmers Glue for smaller grafts/repairs.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
yes they make a 'pruning sealer' often used when grafting or pruning trees.

you can also just use Elmers Glue for smaller grafts/repairs.
Based on a careful determination of the sucker bet population, "they" make anything that will sell. Did you read my link on the previous page?


Well-Known Member
no i quoted the person that asked the question. if 300+acre apple farms use it then it's a safe bet it isn't a band-aid snake oil purchase. btw the person i paid $1200 to prune my 300yr old oak tree used pruning gonna tell him he's a sucker?


Well-Known Member
no i quoted the person that asked the question. if 300+acre apple farms use it then it's a safe bet it isn't a band-aid snake oil purchase. btw the person i paid $1200 to prune my 300yr old oak tree used pruning gonna tell him he's a sucker?
I don't think anyone who is getting paid $1200 to prune a tree should be called a sucker. If I were getting paid $1200 to prune a tree I'd probably bring a slew of salves so the guy paying didn't feel like a sucker....


Well-Known Member
no i quoted the person that asked the question. if 300+acre apple farms use it then it's a safe bet it isn't a band-aid snake oil purchase. btw the person i paid $1200 to prune my 300yr old oak tree used pruning gonna tell him he's a sucker?
I'm not going to chime in on the product, but instead your thinking. Because a pro does it it can't be a sucker move. False. Because a nursery does it it can't be a sucker move. False. You are getting into lemming level thinking there. Don't let others think for you, think for yourself.

Plants aren't picky, a lot of products will work for this, including plain old outdoor latex paint. In the end the fancy nursery specific products are a waste of money, aka a sucker move. But for the tree trimmer it's worth the money to look professional to all the suckers.


Well-Known Member
you'd also have to bring a bucket truck and helper to deal with the 4 tons of debris. anyone arguing this hasn't been in landscaping and/or arboreal services....ever


Well-Known Member
Heck, a storm split this outdoors grown plant way down into trunk which filled up with water, right smack dab in the middle of 2 of the main colas. I just pulled it back together the best I could with duct tape and went about my business. Had a great yield. I did spray it with asphalt based pruning paint, notice the black color.

View attachment 3320272

Pot treated with copper hydroxide paint worked well, notice no root spinout?

View attachment 3320275

View attachment 3320282

Colas were so heavy they fell over in spite of my efforts to tie them up.

View attachment 3320274
WOOOOOW, that thing is huuggee. Very Nice UB. I love learning. Thank you and may the new year be a splendid one.


Well-Known Member
I super-crop all the time. I've broken branches completely off, taped them, and they've healed like nothing. As a matter of fact I don't think I've ever had a branch die after breaking it and taping it. This pic is an example of a branch that I broke on accident 3 WEEKS AGO -- I didn't tape it or anything -- and as you can see the branch is completely severed and it's only being held by a thread of connective tissue. The leaves on the branch haven't wilted or discolored or anything. It's pretty amazing how durable these ladies are. So ya, tape it and you're good. 016 (3).jpg031 (2).jpg


Well-Known Member
you'd also have to bring a bucket truck and helper to deal with the 4 tons of debris. anyone arguing this hasn't been in landscaping and/or arboreal services....ever
anyone arguing what? speak in complete thoughts. arboreal services...your douchebag is showing. do you look down your nose when you say that and speak in a nasally tone? let's cut to the chase: you sounded a little full of yourself when you gave the age of the tree along with the price you paid to have it trimmed. $1200 sounds about right to have a large tree removed and the stump ground down - yes, with a bucket truck and four guys doing just do a trim and remove the debris - well you'd have to use the age of the tree to convince someone this was a job for a arborist. Nice work buying into the division of labor and then touting your price tag as if it were a badge of courage. Then to call tree trimmers purveyors of arboreal services...well, that is just you being a stellar example of a douche.


Well-Known Member
badge of honor really. there's people going around saying 'i know it's a crock of shit' and there's people that know it serves a real purpose.
I don't think anyone who is getting paid $1200 to prune a tree should be called a sucker. If I were getting paid $1200 to prune a tree I'd probably bring a slew of salves so the guy paying didn't feel like a sucker....
i'm wondering how i should perceive that post of yours? is there a hint of antagonistic arrogance?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
no i quoted the person that asked the question. if 300+acre apple farms use it then it's a safe bet it isn't a band-aid snake oil purchase. btw the person i paid $1200 to prune my 300yr old oak tree used pruning gonna tell him he's a sucker?
Not him, you, because you paid him for something that has no real value. (just kidding) In fact, as the good doctor pointed out in her myth busting ditty which you apparently didn't read, sealing a wound can much harm. Here, I fetched it fer ya. ;)

Wound dressings do:
• seal in moisture and decay
• sometimes serve as a food source for pathogens
• prevent wound wood from forming
• inhibit compartmentalization
• eventually crack, exposing the tree to pathogens

Wound dressings do not:
• prevent entrance of decay organisms
• stop rot


Well-Known Member
Not him, you, because you paid him for something that has no real value. (just kidding) In fact, as the good doctor pointed out in her myth busting ditty which you apparently didn't read, sealing a wound can harm. Here, I fetched it fer ya. ;)

Wound dressings do:
• seal in moisture and decay
• sometimes serve as a food source for pathogens
• prevent wound wood from forming
• inhibit compartmentalization
• eventually crack, exposing the tree to pathogens

Wound dressings do not:
• prevent entrance of decay organisms
• stop rot
i agree on some of your points. does pruning sealer have a place in mmj, mostly likely not.does sealer do more harm than good, in certain instances yes. when we use sealer it's generally to keep carpenter ants and termites out of the new wound, sugary sap attracts them. bonsaii tree experts use it. it can most certainly help keep fire blight and other diseases away.i agree that the tree/plant has natural saps to do the very same thing so why use a sealer? some do, some don't but i'm not here to fight (except in politics maybe) i'm here to try to pass on fact same as you and we fail a lot of people to just say 'sealer is not worth it'.


New Member
Thanks for ally the info guys i just un taped the one plant that i broke 2 stalks on and both of them appear to have healed in about a 3 to 4 days, they are not completely healed up yet but there is definite evidence of nature repairing itself. i will post some pics in my next post.


Well-Known Member
just snug her together, if ur using tape, use plant/greenhouse tape (Or blue painters tape) so u dont get the plant all messed up with the adhesive, its got enough to deal with...

Keep it clean, keep the light out of the wound, keep it as closed up as possible, and just wait...

Cannabis is a very hardy plant, it can almost always recover within a few days, if after 3-4 days its wiltin all ugly, be sad, otherwise, just be patient... when it IS all healed up, and a big bulb of solid stem chunk.... remove the makeshift splints...


Well-Known Member
badge of honor really. there's people going around saying 'i know it's a crock of shit' and there's people that know it serves a real purpose.

i'm wondering how i should perceive that post of yours? is there a hint of antagonistic arrogance?
Arrogance, no. I'd suggest looking up "arrogance". Antagonistic, no. It was a nicer way of saying "someone who gets paid $1200 to just prune a tree is a genius and someone who pays $1200 to just have a tree pruned is a sucker."

I should have been more direct. That is just a fact, but I've cut down a number of trees and billed a lot less, so maybe I'm the sucker.


Well-Known Member
Arrogance, no. I'd suggest looking up "arrogance". Antagonistic, no. It was a nicer way of saying "someone who gets paid $1200 to just prune a tree is a genius and someone who pays $1200 to just have a tree pruned is a sucker."

I should have been more direct. That is just a fact, but I've cut down a number of trees and billed a lot less, so maybe I'm the sucker.
at least we're a little more congenial now. i had it pruned, not cut down. it's a massive tree. tree guys i had quote it said it was the largest they've ever seen. it's arguably the oldest in the county. i love it and have since childhood on this 4 generation 40acre farm/ranch. do you own a bucket truck? i get the feeling you'd be unable to even bid on the job much less cope with the scale of the project. ever do wire bracing on an old tree? weekend warrior comes to mind. i also have a crew on the back lot logging pine and hardwoods.


Well-Known Member
at least we're a little more congenial now. i had it pruned, not cut down. it's a massive tree. tree guys i had quote it said it was the largest they've ever seen. it's arguably the oldest in the county. i love it and have since childhood on this 4 generation 40acre farm/ranch. do you own a bucket truck? i get the feeling you'd be unable to even bid on the job much less cope with the scale of the project. ever do wire bracing on an old tree? weekend warrior comes to mind. i also have a crew on the back lot logging pine and hardwoods.
is weekend warrior an insult ? No, first you had to create a scenario regarding my employment and then say that I was not in fact that, but a 'weekend warrior'. What an elaborate, low-t insult.

I have no desire to be congenial as you are nothing to me and nothing outside of your small circle.

Here you go bro: when the tree guy came you got all nostalgic about your childhood on the farm, he picked up on it, and you got overcharged. You talked about its great age and he reckoned that it was the biggest dang ole tree in the county. You having left the farm for some other, more profitable career, come back to take care of things and pay the bills. $1200 seemed reasonable, so you wrote the check.

Wait, you have people logging....what the fuck does that have to do with anything? does that give you authority? Some sort of credibility?

Hold on, water not sitting out causes signs of deficiencies? Did you learn that from your 4th generation farming family?


Well-Known Member
WoW !! The OP is gone. Blown away by the sheer power of RIU. His question about his little broken stem now the size of double-fisted stalks paint mended and 300 year old oak tree trimming, to logging of the lower 40.

...Never doubt the power of RIU.


Well-Known Member
this is you wake up looking for someone to shit on?
Honestly, yes. I find it functional, entertaining, and cost effective. Oh, and did I mention fictional? That plagued generation not young enough to see internet as reality and not old enough to so readily glom onto the online presence bred into adver-teenies (coin it). Breaks up the trimming anyway.