bronze spot on seedlings leaf


just noticed it this morning,
strain: sour kush
medium:promix bx
started 6/18
just been using water was gonna start feeding on next water using advanced sensi grow nutes
these bronze spots showed up this morning, temps are good, humiditys good, other seedlings arent doing this(yet) what seems to be the deficiency here? ive read magnesium def. can do this, but not really the same symtoms exactly, what does everyone think,



i think your giving it too much water. wait a few days and then if you want give it some light nutes. let your ish dry out pretty good before watering. usually like 72 hours, i had a similar problem and this is what i did to fix it. granted now i have a world of other problems lolllllll. but yours should be fine.

also if i may suggest, growing on 24/0 is where its at! constant growth.

good luck!


I don't think I'm overwatering, I only water when the cup is lighter thatn a feather, also I do grow on 24 hours of light, I do doubt I'm overwatering but I will take ur advice, I was planning on waiting tll she was dried out to give soome food, also is ur reasoning on the overwatering the drooping leaf? I've read that diesel strains have weird leaf characteristics, this may contribute. Thanks again thou for the advice


Well-Known Member
ur problem looks like nute burn..if the spots dont appear on new growth then it prolly is..i had the same thing happen some nute water splased on my lower leaves causing a burn or sometimes it can be the light from the hid burning the plant when the water magnifies the hid..and i have sour kush gowing 2 the first sets of leaves did some wierd shit..the both had like a lil twist IN THE SAME EXACT SPOT ON BOTH that u said it im thinking i have a sour diesel pheno


im very careful when i water, i havent used any nute yet on the seedling so it shouldnt be burning, and its in promix mx or bx or something, either way its inert other than the mycohrrizia fungi in it.


New Member
its not a real problem or something unusual she will be fine...somewhat common for me to see that in seedling that age and they always grow out of it, it is nuteburn and can happen even in a soil mix such as your that contains little nutes..there is nutes in your soil promix or not ..believe it or not the plant still is getting nutries/micronutrients from your water and the peat in the promix


Well-Known Member
Thanks deprave for seein what im seein..thats nute burn..but like u said its almost common on lower leaves of younger happened 2 like 2 or 3 of mine but thew grew out fine