Brought em in...and BAM


Well-Known Member
Well these have been going for about 9-10 weeks now, and it started to get cool at night, and raining almost everyday, so I brought them inside. Right now they are under a 4 ft shoplight with 2 daylight spectrum bulb and 2 45w cfls. They have flourished in the 4 days they have been inside so I guess this is where I will keep them.
Pics for clicks...

Little caterpillar was munching the leaves! I caught him this morning.


New Member
i turned a plant herie once by only using a shoplight on it. I only bought one thinking that it would be enough but no........that was before i found i havent had a single prob like the such since.
i actually still have the plant. I have revegged it since then and it is flowering now. Kinda odd though. the buds smell EXACTLLY like some fuckin popcorn chicken from kfc. so i have named the herm "kfc".


Well-Known Member
They seem to be doing better inside than they were outside. There was much trouble outside. I put some mylar on the walls and put a fan inside and so far the buds have almost double in size in the few days indoors. I just watered today, so I'll post some pictures of the setup and the progress.


Well-Known Member
Here is a pic of the setup. The trichs are coming more and more as you can start to see in the pics above. Only bad thing so far is my timer doesn't have a ground and my shoplight does so I turn that on about an hour late and off an hour later than the two cfl.


Well-Known Member
Please, that is a nice camera and I'm sure a nice picture. If you post them as thumbnails in the post they will fit everyones screen size that wants to look at them. Go Advanced, scroll to manage attachments, right from A drive if you want. You can post 5 in one post. Thats like 5000 words, if it fits my screen. Thanx VV