Joint Monster
Well-Known Member
So I'm not quite sure what is going on here.
PH 6.0 (to 6.3 over the week)
PPM 800
Water Temp 70F/21C
RH 50%
Temp High 22 / Low 17
GH Silica-CalMag-Micro-Grow-Bloom. (Plus the rest of the line at half strength or less, Any of the GH organics products I mix in with the Heisenberg Tea I feed them twice a week).
It's pretty much only the really bottom leaves/ leaves sort of tucked in not getting a lot of air? (Despite the aggressive lower canopy lollipopping I did earlier.)
Side Note: [I had put two cuttings into soil so I wouldn't have to water too often (compared to hempy). I think that soil had Fungus Gnats! (I set some yellow traps which seemed to help control the issue. Haven't seen too many really. Need to do a Hydrogen Peroxide water next. But Not sure if that is even related to this?]
PH 6.0 (to 6.3 over the week)
PPM 800
Water Temp 70F/21C
RH 50%
Temp High 22 / Low 17
GH Silica-CalMag-Micro-Grow-Bloom. (Plus the rest of the line at half strength or less, Any of the GH organics products I mix in with the Heisenberg Tea I feed them twice a week).
It's pretty much only the really bottom leaves/ leaves sort of tucked in not getting a lot of air? (Despite the aggressive lower canopy lollipopping I did earlier.)
Side Note: [I had put two cuttings into soil so I wouldn't have to water too often (compared to hempy). I think that soil had Fungus Gnats! (I set some yellow traps which seemed to help control the issue. Haven't seen too many really. Need to do a Hydrogen Peroxide water next. But Not sure if that is even related to this?]