Brown curling fans day 60 of 77


Well-Known Member
I know we are getting close to the end and I know the fans will turn colors and die as the plant uses the energy in it's final stages of life. Being my first solo grow I am unsure if this is normal. I have noticed the tips of the fan leaves near the cola's have been curling and turning color. This is only happening on the main cola on 1 plant thus far.

Set up as follows:

Green House Seeds Super Lemon Haze

Received clones mid Jan veged until March 20th

Day 60 of 77

Soil : Fox Farms Ocean Forrest + 30% perlite

Nutes: Advanced flower line.
They received last dose of nutes yesterday - wil be flushing for next 2 weeks
PH = 6.1 - 6.7

1000w Horti

high = 83
Low = 67



Well-Known Member
How much and how ofter are you feeding? It looks to me like a nute overdose is causing the leafe edges to burn... How close is the light to the plants? Either way it looks like a burn to me. I'd flush


Well-Known Member
They received there last dose of nutes yesterday. Should I flush em or just let em ride it out sonce they are not getting any more nutes anyway.


Well-Known Member
Your almost finished so they are sucking the sugars from the leaves, Ive seen this in countless pics from experienced growers and my autoflowers did the same thing and I barely used nutes and when I did it was at a 1/4 of what it said to give them.