Brown Dirt Warrior(bean's) log

hello and welcome hope everyone enjoys this log as we begin the journey so far...

#1 got the beans: showed up on x-mas eve right on time for santa
#2 beans are in the drawer and on a heating mat...(x-mas)

#3 the beans shall rise again! 24h later got a few sprouts 2 outta 3 aint bad...
#4? coming soon...
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captain's log #4 all beans accounted for: so during the course of past couple days all my beans has pop and i transfer my sprouts to peat pellets and from there put into a small pc box with one 23w 2700k cfl they will remain here for a couple days...
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#5?...coming soon
captains log #5 the ugly cabinet: since the time has past i have tore off the peat pellets netting and re potted into a new container with my blend of organic soil run off ph @ 6.3 they will remain here for the next month(ill update weekly) under two 42watt 2700k(second one one the way) and four 23w 6500k cfl's on a veg time18h on 6h off this was built outta an old desk top wafer board i painted the inside with kilz primer as u can see its pretty old but works good for veg
the fan hard to see in first pic is a 6$ wal-mart round fan i put into a 1$ potting plant that i cut out the bottom and taped to the top of cab. and u cant see at all but the bottom port has a cpu fan to draw in cool air(if extra heat occurs..currently off!)...

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Last edited: down we need a week one i guess not even sure tech. but one just didnt seem to wanna live after the sprout..they are a lil behind on growth i think but they will do good once ready for the hps come flowing time ^^IMG_20160107_111919.jpg IMG_20160107_111929.jpg
i understand you will be using cfl's for veg and hps for flowering? how long you plan to keep these in veg state?
refer to captains log #5 about a month ma by longer im not going for super huge just to get a quick final product out to show then try again but bigger and better....and i know i didn't post about having reply's but may you plz delete your question thanks

p.s this was not typed outta angry in any way thanks for reply no hard feelings ^^

damn i could not re edit the first pic..

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#7 short time no see: so its been a week since we last seen from and im happy how their are doing however...couple noob mistakes were made as one of my plants is showing early signs of sickness after evaluation on plant #2 i noticed that i needed to ph correct my soil so i tryed and did that while plant #1 remains steady and balanced ph all is well with it(im calling for a male on #1 base off of my exp. its growing a lil to strong) IMG_20160114_180027.jpg
captain's log #8: so another weeks has past and in that time we are seeing signs of nitrogen def and nute burns so ive stopped giving nutes for the time being and also they have been transplanted into a bigger container they will veg for one more week.. also plant #2 is showing pre female signs good prediction and plant #1 has not shown anything yet
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log #8 long time no see: so since out last visit we put into a bigger tent with a 250watt cfl flowering bulb and will remain here till they finish..
sorry i didn't get time get weekly pics but check it out tell me what yall think in the discussion here plz:

lets note they almost similar builds plant#1 is beefier and is fem (left side)
plant #2 same build just not as beefy but is more hairy and both came out to same height (right side)
plant #1
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plant #2
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caps log #10(mislabeled the last post #9) but do u even stretch bro?: so we was last seen about another week past they have been doing well still getting nitrogen problems slowly working its way up both plants..also i lollipop a little bit down low(sounds hot) and plant#1(left) still beefy but its not stretching just as much as plant #2 (right) its really taking off like a rocket
tell me what u think comment here please and thank you--->
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caps log #11 anybody home: long time no see and sry for the terrible pics next post ill make sure to get some in better detail...anyways
they stop stretching and are swelling up.. plant #1 has more airy buds but more trichrome are producing...plant #2 still beefy and yet the buds are as well but not as much trichrome yet its looking nice to me...the smell is complex for me to explain kind of citrus hints with all sorts of flavor but not skunky? but it defiantly unique from anything i smelt...enjoy!
Pant #1
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Plant #2
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sorry i didn't finish the final product was smell like nothing i have ever had and the smoke was pretty good i wouldn't say grand champion of them all but it was worth how much i paid sorry for not finishing but we are coming back for a new journal coming soon keep in touch and show some love