Brown fan leaves dying...


Well-Known Member
all of my plants including one tomato were pot bound so i replanted to bigger pots. all are growing in "roots" potting soil, no added nutes. most have formed some curled down leaves and some have brown spots on the fan leaves that fall off. i cannot find any bugs so what is going on? i looked in the problem guide but there were no pics. i just took some pics with ipad but am not being allowed to choose the files... j


Well-Known Member
as i said, site would not allow me to choose files (photos).
these fell off my caramello plant. needed to switch cameras and computers... just using potting soil, nothing added by meDSC_5954.JPG


Well-Known Member
standard nute burn ...flush well 3x times the volume of the pot, with air temp ph neutral water ..allow over nite to drain,, next potup add 30% perlite


Well-Known Member
i thought of both of these things. in repotting they do get a lot of water. nute burn is what it looks like. i am trying out this potting soil, i never have bought bags of soil, i just mix it up with what i have and horse manure over the years. i haven't added anything but will not go 100% with it anymore. everybody was happy before i repotted, they just looked pot bound and it was too early to put outside. i hate having plants on the house. thanks guys. i was worried it could be some weird fungus thing i've never seen. j


Well-Known Member
Looks exactly like the leaves on my C99 which had some bad nutrient burn. Don't mistake it for lack of nitrogen and make the same mistake again.


Well-Known Member
i mean it looks like nute burn but i don't use nutes. i have a couple with fungus flies. i sprayed soil with neem oil soap mix and put them outside in the day. cut one that was almost done for making oil and no bugs in soil. i always get bugs in the house but it is too cold to put them out now. j


Well-Known Member
you say you mix it with horse manure?
explain this process as detailed as possible..

using fresh manure that hasn't been composted can be VERY HOT and burn your plants.


Well-Known Member
i take about a third manure with some garden soil mixed in pots with plants and water. of course it isn't fresh... pretty basic. reminds me, i need to go get another load for next year.
some is three years old, like my firewood. don't burn green wood.
(problamatic plant was in commercial potting soil. never again.)