Brown leaves? updated with pics. please help

dro in the closet.

Active Member
Before I start I would like to state that I am a newb. on my first grow, also any advice is greatly appreciated.
- First off let me describe my grow room: 2'x3' (roughly) with white poster board on the surrounding 3 walls of my closet (i was told that reflects the best). Also I am using a T5 high florescent light system, 2 hot and 2 cold bulbs. This is the best light i could get a hold of without spending too much money. Right now my light cycle is 18on/6off. Also I water when the plants become dry about .5in to 1 in below the top soil level.
I decided I would grow 3 plants (bagseed) 2 of the seeds came from a bag of very good weed, up near $100/quarter. (where im from i can get a quarter of very good mids for right around $40). And the third seed came from a bag of the $40 a quarter weed. Plant 1&2 are the highs and 3 is mids (for reference).
I started the plants on August 28th and within 5 days they all were sprouting. From the start everything was fine, after about 2-3 weeks I started to notice that the leaves at the very bottom of all 3 plants began to die, while others near the bottom began to turn yellow, and would eventually die off. The rest of the plant is fine. They still grow fine and the stem structure is very good. Is this a common problem, and how can I fix this? I dont want any of the plants to die.
- Also plant number 3 grew too much one night and got very close to the light and 2 leaves at the top became brown. I was wondering what kind of damage that did to the plant? will it still grow? Also a friend told me about nute. spikes so i will be adding one to each of the plants (experimental). Any comments will help, I just wanted to say thanks in advance for any help.

dro in the closet.

Active Member
my grow space is limited, i could only fit 3, 9" pots in the space and i cannot go any bigger. I used normal potting soil that you would find at a nursery or hardware store. Also a friend just said to try to up the light cycle so i did, i changed it it 20on/4off. Thanks

dro in the closet.

Active Member
anyone else have any comments? they are not looking any better. also i want to get the pics up but wont let me post pics for some reason, any alternate sites for that??


Well-Known Member
Well i noticed water droplets on some of the leaves in the picture, are you misting the leaves while the lights are on?

Also the soil seems very compacted and very wet. Did you just water?

dro in the closet.

Active Member
I just watered right before i took the pics. And yes I have been misting a little while the lights are on. Also even when the soil is dry it is very compact, are both of those problems??

dro in the closet.

Active Member
I really have no clue about this, but I was doing a little research on the internet and came up with a few solutions. Tell me what you think.
1. Nitrogen deficiency
2. Phosphorus deficiency
3. Potassium deficiency
- I really do not think it is a potassium deficiency but some signs are there (every once in a while with a dieing leaf the tips tend to point up).

Any comments would be great. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
it could be just dead leaves at the bottom of the plant that need to be cut off. trim all the dead leaves then see how it does in a few days.