Brown Patches -Tops Of Plants - Please Help!


Well-Known Member
I'm getting worried, a couple of my plants are developing brown patches on the tops, one is a female and it's scarring the heck out of me, I really need some expert opinions ASAP, don't want to lose my girl.

I'm thinking it could be the dollar store gift wrap that I used for reflection, here's why I think this, Iv'e been hearing a lot about tinfoil and how it can leave burn spots on your leaves, I also heard no matter what you use such as mylar that if you don't get all the wrinkles and such out when applying it, that could also cause hot spots.

This is only happening to a couple of my plants.

I don't believe this is due to bugs, over watering, or lights being too close, first thing I thought was the lights being too close and burning the tops, I panicked fearing that the rest of my plants will soon end up the same, so I moved the lights some distance away and it's still continuing. (only on the two plants)

The gift wrap that I used came folded was impossible to get the creases/lines out and the two plants that are receiving this damage are directly under the worse of the creasing, have a look,

I recently heard of polywrap gift wrap it comes in rolls that will not have the creases, I was planning on replacing the dollar store crap with some of that today, or do you think if I painted my fixture a flat white as recommend, please note that I do not have a lot of mony and can't afford mylar, would the polywrap rolls be better then paint?

Please I need all the input I can get on this one, such as all the scenarios of what could be happing.



Well-Known Member
Well nobody seemed to know anything so I removed the suspected males to the veg/cloning room, I think that they were too cramped and not enough air/oxygen for them all.

Also learned that with a longer light cycle plants need to be watered more, I'm on 24/7 lighting and watering every three days so what I think happened is that I had the lights to close and some tops started to burn because they didn't have enough water to help keep them cool. I went ahead and raised the lighting a bit and will try watering every 2 days now.

Here are some pics, first my girls and some stretched/stunted plants,

Males and clones,

Check out my grow journal,
