Brown Roots ! Oh no! (sarcasm)


Well-Known Member
Come on people who said roots had to be bleach white?
Brown roots are not necessarily bad! Are roots bleach white in dirt? No!

If you run Organics or Organic Hydro they should be brown. If they smell rotten they are bad, if they smell like dirt no matter what color they are they are still fine. My hydro-organic roots smell like dirt, brown as fuck. Perfect leaves, Perfect buds. The leaves always tell the truest story of the plant.

Honestly the frankensteinein bleach white roots look eerie and unnatural to me. But hey thats just me. I KNOW im different!


Well-Known Member
healthy roots are white roots,,even in dirt, some hydro micro's turn them brown but for the most part they should be white.


Active Member
try some general hydroponics subculture B... will make your roots white and healthy again... Justa thought


Active Member
My roots are healthy also. And they still bling there original color. If you feel brown roots are ok, that's ok I guess. I thought it was ok when I started growing and figured it was normal. But when I started using subcultures my plants got beatiful looking roots like advertised on the package and I seen a huge improvement on overall plant health and growth.