Brown\Rust colored spots

Hi all. First time grower here. I’m growing in coco/peat perlite medium in 7 gal. Fabric pots. FF nutets , 2 Sf1000 grow lights. Plus a HTG light. In a 2x4 grow tent. PH is at 6.0 to 6.5 range. Im starting to see brown/rust color spots on leaves. Nitrogen, cal mag deficiency? Also, plants are 4 weeks old. And I feel like they are not growing fast enough. Maybe because I look at them 20 times a day. Any help would be appreciated.


Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Sorry but I haven't ever tried a peat and coco experiment

Many have been having issues though


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Well-Known Member
Some issues,peat,coco mix is inert so feeding is a must,small plant huge pot,that's gonna kill ya.Youll have to ride it out until roots fill the pot so you can start feeding to runoff daily.
Next time smaller pot and straight coco,so much better.A solo cup is what they should be in then you can feed twice a day to a good runoff.


Well-Known Member
Some issues,peat,coco mix is inert so feeding is a must,small plant huge pot,that's gonna kill ya.Youll have to ride it out until roots fill the pot so you can start feeding to runoff daily.
Next time smaller pot and straight coco,so much better.A solo cup is what they should be in then you can feed twice a day to a good runoff.
Isnt the issues with the spots on the leaves due to nutrient lockout?
Some issues,peat,coco mix is inert so feeding is a must,small plant huge pot,that's gonna kill ya.Youll have to ride it out until roots fill the pot so you can start feeding to runoff daily.
Next time smaller pot and straight coco,so much better.A solo cup is what they should be in then you can feed twice a day to a good runoff.
Thank you for the info.

Hook Daddy

Well-Known Member
In coco/perlite you should be watering several times a day, and pot size is not a concern, that advise is for soil which you are not using. Again don’t listen to above advise, that is only for soil. Your ph is too high, should be 5.5 to 6.0. i don’t use ff nutes, I use Jacks and sometimes gh, but I keep my ppm around 900-1000 most of the grow, less the first few weeks. Some extra cal mag won’t hurt but not much extra.

Hook Daddy

Well-Known Member
Here’s my current grow at 5 weeks, just put the net down yesterday. I feed 4 times a day, 15 minutes at a time to a recirculating reservoir, change nutes every week. Top off with ro water only when needed (if res is a bit low) and keep the ph between 5.5 and 6.0 at all times. If you want to hand water only every few days you need to switch to soil.2C931718-34DA-48F2-B39D-6D6B6F8DBEB1.jpeg