Brown Slime Algae in DWC setup - Cyanobacteria (PICS)


Active Member
I have a bad case of cyanobacteria or brown slime algae all over my roots and has been there since the start. I, being a first time DWC grower, had no idea what to do and just thought it was root rot so I did a week or so of H2O2 treatmeant which now after reading more and properly diagnosing my plants seemed to have only helped the cyanobacteria.

I will be making a beneficial microbacterial and fungui tea from Heisenberg's Guide "How to breed your own beneficial microbes"

I am going to my local grow shop tomorrow to pick up what I can to make the tea. They don't have the exact products he suggested so I am going to use:

  • Aquashield Compost Solution
  • Guardian MY Liquid by Botanicare - Has all the micorrhizal fingui including the glomus that are in the ZHO Powder
  • PHC Biopak
  • some type of root accelerator - they have a lot to choose from
  • *They dont carry Ancient Forest EWC - is this bad? Should I order online?

Should I use Physan 20 first for a day in my res to kill everything? I'm not sure how comfortable I feel about using that product with my plants as it specifically says not to use with edible products.... There is a lot of slime already, is there more organic way to get what's already there off?

I switched to a brand new clean res yesterday thinking it would help so the problem is not that bad yet. The upper roots are very slimed up but the lower areas are still pretty white with only a small amount of slime. I don't really see any other way of getting all the slime off? Or will the tea be effective enough once it is introduced? I have 3 days probably until my tea will be ready, should I swap out my res to just pH'd water or do anything like that?

My current setup is:
20 Gallon rubbermaid type res with 4 airstones and about 14 gallons of water in it when its completely full

I am using Advanced Nutrients Micro/Bloom/Grow with Technofloras Thrive Alive B-1, Magical, Awesome Bloosom, and Sugardaddy. I am at about 30 days into an autoflower grow at about 3/4 strength nutes which makes it right around 1000ppm and pH of about 5.8. My res temps have been from 65-73° and the tent goes from about 75° in the day to about 60° at night. Running 180w Isis LED and two 2' T5's as supplementary light which also keeps me sane by making my plants not look like they are from another world (purple crazy monsters when its only the LED). From the research I have done these are all IDEAL conditions for growth.

Last question that is kind of off topic but probably has to do with this. I started off my grow with four plants (Auto AK, Auto Lemon, Automaria II, and La Bella Afrodita). The FEMINIZED auto lemon ended up being a guy so I pulled him out. The Auto AK and the Automaria II look amazing and have been budding now for about a week, maybe a week and a half. They are both about 6-7" tall but SUPER bushy, I count at least 5 or 6 main nodes off the main stem so there are tons of leaves. The last plant, the La Bella Afrodita has had super stunted growth and the leaves are yellow starting from the base going to the middle of the leafs. A few of the leaves have small brown almost burn marks near their bases. All the plants are the same age but this one just wont seem to grow, it has about 1/4 the root mass of the other two and only about 6 good leaves on it. Could this be caused by the cyanobaceria?

Also do you think my growth has been stunted on the other two? I have uploaded pictures below. They really haven't grown upwards much.

This is my first real grow, my last one was a shitty attempt that never panned out. I really want to produce something good so any help is much appreciated.

Thanks to anyone you took the time to read all of that, my high ass knows how to ramble. On to the pics:

Pics 1-3 Automaria II
View attachment 1532859View attachment 1532860View attachment 1532861

Pics 4-6 Auto AK
View attachment 1532862View attachment 1532863View attachment 1532864

Pics 7 and 8 - Stunted La Bella Afrodita with other unknown problems...
View attachment 1532865View attachment 1532866


Rebel From The North
29% H202 at 7 to 10 ML per gal every three days
and for real bad case use plain clorox bleach at 7 eye drops per gal every three days

both of these will kill the slime but it will take time. and if your using bennys
then you will have to drop one for the other cus H202/bleach will distroy the