BROWN slimey roots can i cut them?


Well-Known Member
whilst changing my rez i noticed a couple of inches of the roots at the very bottom end are quite slimey and a bit mushy...the rest of the root mass looks healthy and pretty white,but my question is what damage would i do if i cut the slimey roots off,it's only a tiny part of the root system in comarison to the rest?

cheers for advice


Well-Known Member
Put some latex gloves on and pinch it off or cut.Block all light coming into reservoir.Check your reservoir temperatures.Check that you are providing enough air to the reservoir.Sounds like the makings of root rot.


Active Member
yes boss you may pull those off carefully without damageing any of the good white roots. there's also stuff you can get that will eat that dead root mass and promote new growth like humbolt nutrients "prozime"..look that stuff up and read about it that way if they dont have that paticular prod. were you are located you will atleast know what your looking for. alot of times salts and things will settle at the bottom of your rez-bucket and the ends of the roots will touch this and burn there for causeing the begining to problems. love and respect!!


Well-Known Member
superb man,cheers for replying,sound advice,i nipped them off and now theyre in a clean new rez,i added a little h202 this time that i never had previously.
i will definetly look into prozime mate,cheers.


Well-Known Member
Cutting off the effected roots is OK to do. Depending on the plant's stage of life, it should stimulate new root growth. I would check the res twice a day for a while and give it a sniff test. You might find that if you cut the roots and give it fresh solution, things clear up fine. You might also find that this is just the beginning of root problems, so keep an eye on them. Before you take advice on adding h202 or enzymes, consider your situation, stage of life, choice of nutes, ect and then decide if it's a good idea. Enzymes can make some root problems much worse. IMO enzymes are more for prevention than cure.


Well-Known Member
cheers heisenberg....i will not be adding enzimes to this plant as it is 2 weeks into flowering stage,i added a little h202 to the fresh rez but thats all the treatment i can give it just now.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, giving the roots a lil haircut won't hurt them a bit.
Actually it does give a growth boost. Kinda the same principle in dirt. when the plant starts
going into root lock, then you transplant to more room the plant has a nice growth spurt.
Just dont go crazy and cut too much of the root mass. lol