brown spots curling of leafs


A few days ago I tranplanted 2 clones that where about a foot high from hydro to soil. The next day it was falling down onto itself.. now they purked up a lil bit but some of the fan leafs are turning brown and curling up like a claw. My guess is that I over watered in the transplant.. any advice would b great.
Info. Under 400 watt, only happy frog soil. No nutts,ph6.3 here's a pic or 2



Well-Known Member
Don't water again:lol: But seriously I just did a transplant and it took 2 days to pert back up maybe cause it was root bound in a 5 gallon pot and transplanted in to 7 gallon pot. Don't water again till it perts back up and dries out real good! That's all you can do about that. You all so may have a deficiency or under feed of ppms you plant looks hungry or something!


Well-Known Member
could also be from the jump to soil...i am surprised she came back so quickly...may i ask why the transfer?


I had the both of them in a 5 gal buket and it was getting really crowed so I figgered to separat them so they get more light.. I was useing humbolt nutts. I never put any p ( bloom) in them so I wouldent dout that it need some. So I should wait till the next time I watter and put some in? Is that what's makeing it turn brown?


Well-Known Member
i have never grown hydroponically, nor do i plan to...a buddy of mine does though, and the last thing i would do would be to transfer a plant that gets nutrients directly from the water more then a couple times a day, to dirt where the feedings are cut in sure she is just getting stressed to hell and back right now, and i honestly dont know what i would do...i think i would feed it though


Thanks 4 the post yah u right that was a bad idea now that I think about it.. it went from perfect green to yellow brown and dyeing.. but it was only a clone my mama is still in perfect heath ;)


Well-Known Member
Its Nute Brun flush quickly. Your about 3-5 days into it already flush ASAP! before further damage is done.

Flush with clean water for an hour or so then refill with clean water and nutes at 1/2 strength.

People that said its a deficiency do your dam research. Leafs wouldn't start to get crisp down the middle from ANY deficiency out there. Especially at the progressive rate its going at.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you burned it to me too. But the plants are not dead. Don't remove any foliage, even if it is nearly dead. Just give plain water until the top starts to perk back up, then start at 1/2 strength nutes and work your way up little by little till you are back to full strength.

Im assuming you already flushed them? If not then you need to. You already have advice on how to do that.
Once you start adding nutes again, you can pull off the dead/dying leaves. The dead ones don't matter, but the dying ones can hinder the plant.


I flushed last night with tap water that was 6.3 and it already had a ec of .2 but on the last set of water I also put in this stuff called bio weed and a lil cal mag... but idk fan leafs r droping by them selfs should I turn off fan movment for a lil bit.?