Brown spots, hanging leaves


Hey guys,

just started my second grow two and a half weeks ago. Two weeks I had the plants next to the window at a sunny place. Now they are in a tent with a Mars 300 till I finish my COB-build.

Under the new light one of the plants started with hanging leaves. After noticing that they got theire first bigger amount of water (before I only sprayed a lil bit, soil was dry) but nothing changed, leaves still hanging.

Since yesterday the plant with hanging leaves also have some brown spots (see the pictures).
The soil is for the beginning with low nutrients; roots coming out at the bottom.

Maybe some suggestions whats wrong?



I'm not entirely sure about the brown spots but make sure you have the light far enough away from the plant. To me the plant is looking mad at the light's intensity. Leds don't put off a lot of heat but they need to be a fair distance from the plants (much further than fluorescents for example). I recommend moving the light further away and see if the plant starts to reach for it, than move the light down a bit at a time until you find the distance the plants enjoy.


The lamp is as high it could be, cause it was my first thought too.

At the moment she looks really overwatered, but I'm not sure.


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen def. give them a solution of nuets. should be ok in a week you should notice them coming back.....