Brown spots help


Active Member
i have 2 1/2 week old white rhino clones that have been obviously overwatered but they are developing these brown spots on the older leaves. Please help the spots are spreading!!



Well-Known Member
looks like several things in the works you ph water..have you fed nutes...i can see in that pic the starts of cal/mag starting to get locked an burnt leaf imo you didn't ph check water an nutes an you overnuted an have cause a lock-up on the roots...i suggest letting the medium dry a lil then flushing with ph'd water then water normal for a week then start nutes back a 1/2 dose...all checking ph....peace az


Active Member
The reason I ask is because it looks to me like when watering with a fairly high N ppm that the water droplets got on the bottom leaves and this along with your lights magnifying burned them.
If this is the case don't worry about it.


Active Member
I just watered one of my younger plants and the ppm of the run off was way too high at 780 and these plants have been only feed at most once with only 100ppm of a 3-3-3 solution. so the only thing it could be is that the half ocean forest and half light warrior soil mix must have had way too many nutes in it already so ill just flush them until i see a reasonable run off
has anyone else had the same experience with ocean forest and/or light warrior?


Well-Known Member
yea your burning your plants....that soil is hot already an when you fed with the 3-3-3 it was to much....flush the soil with twice the amount of water to soil....i would just water for awhile to let the plant recover....they'll still be getting nutes from the soil...peace az