Brown spots on fan leaves slowly causing them to die. Help? (pics attached)


Growing 8 females (pics below) under 1000k hps light and a little supplemental cfl lighting, until i'm done vegging. I am using Miracle Grow organic soil with perlite. I mixed them together myself.

The reason I am posting here today is because 3 of my babies have brown spots forming on the leaves, most prominent on the bottom and not on the top. as it grows more nodes, more fan leaves start to decay. first it starts as brown spots, then its yellow, then dry and brown. the leaves on the branches are A ok, and as i said so are the upper fan leaves.(almost 4 weeks old btw)
But this is only happening to 3 of the 8... but i did hand mix each pot, so the ratios of perlite/soil could vary. This is the only thing that i can consider being a factor in this. could it be ph related?
This is only my second grow, and the first time i used pre mixed fox farm, so i'm a bit clueless when it comes to sick plants and soil. They're ready to be transplanted but i am afraid that if my soil mixing is sub par the problem may persist.
I've attached pictures so that you all can go off of something besides my description. Help is greatly appreciated!



Active Member
The pots look dry, and they are probably ready for a feeding regime too...I would dunk them in a bucket of water/fertilizer mix, 1/2 strength. Hold them so the soil is just under the surface of the water...they should bubble. Hold them there until they stop bubbling, then place them over a different,empty bucket to drain. You may want a rack to place them on.

You should see an explosion of growth over the next few days.

Another tip: Don't do to many things at one time to the plants. take it step by step and be patient.

Edit: Looking at those pics i'd say use bloom for fertz on that looks like they may have a P def. The barbs are few and not sharp, there are brown spots on the greener leaves, the edges are curling and there is an appearance of purpling around the veins.
Then start with veg that MG soil nute fortified?


i'm really not sure. i have nutrients that are working good for the plants that i am flowering, so i guess i could maybe use them on the ones looking sick?
or should i just flush flush flush? will tapwater do? i don't haev an endless supply of ph neutral water


Active Member
All you need is 3/4 of a 5-gallon bucket of water. Do just what I said to one plant and get back to me.


Well-Known Member
Did you spray your plants with anything in the last week or two? That kinda looks like mine did when I put neem oil on them and didn't let them dry enough and had some light burn on my leaves that were still wet.


All you need is 3/4 of a 5-gallon bucket of water. Do just what I said to one plant and get back to me.
alright i flushed the hell out of one, now we wait. and the soil IS nute fortified.

is it possible they have depleted the nutes in the soil, and would bounce back if transplanted? until i get my hands on some good nutes? anyways i'll see how this goes, thanks brother


Active Member
alright i flushed the hell out of one, now we wait
Did you flush it or dunk it? Where there bubbles coming out the top?

and the soil IS nute it possible they have depleted the nutes in the soil, and would bounce back if transplanted?
This flush may re-activate any remaining nutes already in the soil.(veg)


is this going to retard my growth? hurt my yield? i really hope i caught this in time

also, should i bring the ph to 6.5 and get a fertilizer that contains K? i was gonna go to walmart to get those strips and i'd like to get everything i need in one trip. i'll probably be vegging for another month minimum, so if you have a nute/nute combo that would be good and easy to find that would be great.
using FF tiger and big bloom for flower.


Active Member
is this going to retard my growth? hurt my yield?
no, and no. You are only vegging, you have time. What will hinder growth and yield is the fact that you are in 1-gallon containers, they will only get so big. I'd repot them into 3s...If you do repot, use pro-mix, get some dolomite lime and bloodmeal...I mix a cup of each to five gallons...

1st) did the pot bubble?
2nd) how did you flush them?

I use Jacks Classic. 30-10-10,20-20-20, and 10-30-20...feeding them depends on the plant. I now have a set of plants that can't get enough N, and another set that needs only nothing or bloom food.


no, and no. You are only vegging, you have time. What will hinder growth and yield is the fact that you are in 1-gallon containers, they will only get so big. I'd repot them into 3s...If you do repot, use pro-mix, get some dolomite lime and bloodmeal...I mix a cup of each to five gallons...

1st) did the pot bubble?
2nd) how did you flush them?

I use Jacks Classic. 30-10-10,20-20-20, and 10-30-20...feeding them depends on the plant. I now have a set of plants that can't get enough N, and another set that needs only nothing or bloom food.
good to hear. I repotted them into 5 gal buckets but i used the same stuff.... i have to order pro-mix if i want it, this is the best i have local (east coast.) when i lived in cali i could always get foxfarm.

1)yes, the pot bubbled, the water did take a bit of time to drain after it was super saturated.
2)i poured a lot on each one, i would say almost 2 gallons. after i transplanted them all. also a very small amount of nutes (no more than 2 cups a plant tops), just some old organic stuff i had. they're looking perky but i suppose they did before too soo that doesn't say much. hoping to see a halt in the ill effects when i get home from work this morning!

and honestly i have a vague idea of what you refer to with all those numbers, but really i'm clueless :/
this is something i really need to wrap my head around. before when i used foxfarm i didnt have a single problem, and not even a month in and this ha, i never wanted to use fucking miracle grow. if i could get promix like now i'd dig my plants out and retransplant them... ugh.

what can i do to make best of this? use nutes to supplement for the lack of good soil?

thanks for all your help and interest, i can tell you're very well versed in this


Active Member
I'm east coast. Thanx for the comps, tip the scale.

good to hear. I repotted them into 5 gal buckets but i used the same stuff.... i have to order pro-mix if i want it, this is the best i have local (east coast.) when i lived in cali i could always get foxfarm.
You should be able to find canadian promix...its common round here...I like soil with nothing in it, unless I made it. >Subcool.
>1 I suspected it would bubble. If you did it while in the last pots you'd be surprised.Ok, now you have used your soil and know more about it. In 1 gallon, the nutes lasted so long, and you probably underwatered. We'll take what you've learned, and apply that to what you've now done...that soil you are using has slow release n in it...every time you water releases some N. remember that. lets give this a couple days and see how it goes. I'll bet they'll be standing like a wedding nite prick the next few days...


Well-Known Member
OOOOh...that doesn't look good. Could be this...Could be that...I would definetly remove all the lower infected leaved. Especially anything touching the soil line. I'm thinking fungus. Because it's working it's way up from the bottom. Don't be afraid to prune a lot. Especially all that lower stuff. Also you may be watering too much???


Active Member
Danny, I have this under control.yes those lower leaves need to be removed, but lets get his roots going without further stress, ok.