brown spots on leaves White widow chees mix, anyone ever grow this before?


and trust me i see the humor in someone with a grow like yours, calling mine a small cute tiny grow, i laughed my ass off when i read that.. but hear my out, real talk, the way you look at my grow cause your grow is like ten of mine and i give u that hands down, but chill. lol and this is the part where if im lying i want god to strike me dead,, that how i look at you about everything else in life.... so see my humor in that the way i saw yours, and i really did laught out loud...


Well-Known Member
I have my own place i dont live with my momma, and she is proud of me, i have degrees, and make good money legally. thats what i smoke. im sure your mom is proud with your 9-5 nothing special type of life. like i said i dont this for a living im proud of my 9-5.. if i had to this for living and work i job i hate waking up everyone morning but do cause i need a cover or a way to pay the electric bill, i would kill myself, and thats word to everything i love in life i could never live like you, the best accomplishments you can do and you cant share it with the world.. i wouldnt need to grow as much as you i couldnt live like that lol, talkin about born in babylon on the road to zion, and dont know the first thing about living life without jeopardizing your liberty.. i would be embarassed if the only good i could do in life is grow weed.. but im sure your mom would be in there with, cause statistics dont fall far from statistics.. later loser..
born in babylon, on the road to zion=(to me) born without common advantages, striving to be the best i can, you dont get that, now i just feel bad for you.


your the man your grow op is bigger than mine, i like it im not hatin thats what you do. i dont mind if the last thing i say to you is nothing but the utmost respect for your grow. have a good night bro.