Brown spots one 1 leaf.


I'm about 3 weeks into my first grow, DWC. 1 week into full nutes. All my plants are healthy, green, and stinky. This particular plant is my pride and joy. She(hopefully) is growing really strong. But I noticed a few brown spots on one of her leafs the other day and didn't think a whole lot of it. Woke up this morning and its gotten worse. At first I figured it was nute burn, but like I said, its only on 1 leaf on 1 plant. Every other leaf on all 4 plants look great. Any ideas? And sorry for the crappy pics, my camera is horrible.


Medi 1

Well-Known Member
3 weeks and at full dose already. i see a diseased plant and defficient. hows ph

oh and thats rust diesease. and looks way to bushy. no light.


Its 4 plants in a 14 gallon DWC set up. This is my first grow and I know almost nothing, but I thought you wanted short bushy plants? They've been in the hydroton for 3 weeks, thru all my research I read that after 2 weeks of 1/2 nutes, they go to full nutes. Was this wrong? I'm using the lucus formula with GH nutes. PH is at about 6. I've got 225 actual watts of CFL



cal-mag get it use it i use gh products i never use full strength half to 3/4 max i had same spots cal mag fixed it

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
cal mag is for coco. he dosnt need it and this has nothing to do with a cal deff.
ya way to bushy for a cfl, you onkly get a few inshes of good light penetration from cfl so it cant uptake foods as we do under hid lights.
in hydro you want ph between 5.5 and 5.8. 6 is soiless and higher for soil. i like 5.7 ish for hydro. thats your problem there. and dont use full foods under this smaller light. stick to your recipe there is enough cal in our water. waste of money to buy it unless using coco or to fix health issues like disease. its a cell builder and our cells get damaged when they are sik then they get disease or bugs take over.
all the food is there, it just cant get it all as the ph is off.


Active Member
Medi 1, when plants pH goes below 5.2 in hydro it creates a lockout of minerals like calcium and magnesium. His levels are fine for uptake of the micronutrients. Obviously your water is lacking the cal-mag and you need to supplement it. Hope this helps.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
who lets the ph drop to that low,. we dont grow anything under 5.5. so no..we dont need cal if you use the right ph to grow with. thats why you get a deff.
and he said hes feeding at 6...where you get this 5.2 from....and 6 is to high for hydro once again