Brown spots Potassium or Cal?


Well-Known Member
other than an nute over dose a week ago no color change , then just bam brown spots and older leaves yellow on edges ant turning paper like almost to the crumble point. But only on 1 plant?


Well-Known Member
other than an nute over dose a week ago no color change , then just bam brown spots and older leaves yellow on edges ant turning paper like almost to the crumble point. But only on 1 plant?

Paper like?

Turning yellow then white whilst appearing like paper?



Well-Known Member
Been giving her cal-mag on the reg but maybe she could use some Epsom?

At what ratio have you been giving calmag?

Adding a small amount to your existing nutes???

I like to feed Ca and Mg as a ratio to deal with a deficiency.

I water my own plants with a my regular base nute mix and then follow up any signs of a deficiency in Ca or Mg with an extra litre of water mix that contains either Ca or Mg or both to deal with a deficiency based on label instructions.


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
The yellowing leaves at the bottom speak to to much P!!!

High P bloom foods are not the best idea to use regularly. (10-30-what ever)

The tips being "nute burnt, tell me your pushing them pretty hard. Buy the pics, I would say your running the very edge of too much......don't increase any more of NPK.

How often are you using the nutrient?

I might say you could add a day or two easy, between feeds and not suffer any loss of quality at all.


Well-Known Member
The yellowing leaves at the bottom speak to to much P!!!

High P bloom foods are not the best idea to use regularly. (10-30-what ever)

The tips being "nute burnt, tell me your pushing them pretty hard. Buy the pics, I would say your running the very edge of too much......don't increase any more of NPK.

How often are you using the nutrient?

I might say you could add a day or two easy, between feeds and not suffer any loss of quality at all.

This is why its so difficult to ascertain a good diagnosis from poor quality pics.

To me the tips of the leaves in the picture look whitish.

High levels of P can interfere with other nutrients especially if P is at toxic levels which can give the appearance of deficiencies in other elements.

It seems we could both be right Dr.

Botanist. I know its difficult to get good pics but I think in all honesty you need to get us a really good picture to be sure.

I do agree with Dr who that high P nutes aren't needed as P doesn't leach away as easy as it would in soil outside.



Well-Known Member
1 tsp per gallon on the calmag mixed in with initial nute regimen. So i should nute then calmag after?

That's what I do in my own garden.

I know my garden very well and its what works for me.

But what works effectively for one person may not for another.

We need to diagnose first.


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
This is why its so difficult to ascertain a good diagnosis from poor quality pics.

To me the tips of the leaves in the picture look whitish.

High levels of P can interfere with other nutrients especially if P is at toxic levels which can give the appearance of deficiencies in other elements.

It seems we could both be right Dr.

Botanist. I know its difficult to get good pics but I think in all honesty you need to get us a really good picture to be sure.

I do agree with Dr who that high P nutes aren't needed as P doesn't leach away as easy as it would in soil outside.


Yuppers,,,,,P tox will limit the uptake of Zn and in bad cases, block out K.....
Running straight pHed water for 5-7 days will help. Then use a low P nutrient or something like Dyna-Gro grow to finish out....
Hesi Grow for soil is another,,,,,If the excess is not to bad,,,,,Hesi bloom to finish is another good choice for that.
You will not be able to "spike" the P after a P tox condition....