The ladies have never seen nutes so I'm wonder if maybe it's a lack there of?
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Post some more pics of the whole plant, that one pic doesn't show any issues. In general, if nute related, stems like that can happen (indoors anyway) from either a sulfur or boron deficiency, but again, that 1 leaf is not showing any signs of issues.View attachment 4200919 Ok so this is my second outdoor grow and looking for some help... my ladies are flowering but leaves are browning and shriveling up... and stems are turning brown... some input on possible cause and fix would be awesome.....
The ladies have never seen nutes so I'm wonder if maybe it's a lack there of?
What about the browning of the leaves dieing ... they are not shriveling so to speak... they get yellow/brown spots then the become limp but are still wet... they dont crumble like they should...Think of it like the bark of a tree. Its the oldest layer dieing off slowly as they grow .
Its normal
it because u are in the bush not much liteWhat about the browning of the leaves dieing ... they are not shriveling so to speak... they get yellow/brown spots then the become limp but are still wet... they dont crumble like they should...
Post some more pics of the whole plant, that one pic doesn't show any issues. In general, if nute related, stems like that can happen (indoors anyway) from either a sulfur or boron deficiency, but again, that 1 leaf is not showing any signs of issues.
EDIT: Ya, not seeing anything nute related. Plant is doing fine, just might want to watch out for bugs as they seem to be snacking on her a bit.
They are over 8 foot tall started mid season... the Bush is trimmed out sun hits them from sun up till about 9pmit because u are in the bush not much lite
Here's a link to all the photos I took today... do I need to add nutes or is the plant rotting...
Ps. Have to zoom in to see some of what I'm talking about
Click on the word link in my other post it will bring up a shared Google folder with all my photos.. I can't seem to work this upload thing work rightWhat link?
Here's a link I took some more photos today since it's cloudy ... I have a junk camera so I hope u can seeI'm not seeing anything that would be a huge cause for concern....I've noticed a lot of my stems, older ones in particular, begin to turn a darker hue in the later phases of their lifes...looking more like the color of wood rather than having a green hue. If you notice, the stems that are more brown have began to stiffen up and don't 'wiggle' and bend as easily, and is just them maturing. Now, if the stems are browning and they are becoming weaker, and less vigorous...then that would be a problem. How late are you into flowering? Are the leaves you're losing towards the bottom and lower-mid section of your plant?...Mostly old leaves affected, or just younger/newer leaves, or both? I'll try to help as best I can!They may just be in need of a little kick of nutrients.
Ok thx for the input... just paranoid then I guess lol.. I'm new to it all... after looking through this grow book a friend has I'm thinking it's a bug issue mixed with a nute issue... so I picked up some general hydroponics flora nova 4-8-7 and gave it a dose... says it's safe to use from seed to harvest.... not sure what to do about the bugs being this late in the cycle.. the flowers are pretty well formed and I dont want to start sraying pesticides all over them...I don't think that anything is wrong with your plant!I've been wrong before, but I think you're in the clear. Given it's size, if you do decide to give it some bloom nutrients just be sure to go light on the dose. 1/4th to 1/8th strength of the bottle's directions is normally a safe place to start and work up from.
*EDIT* Just noticed in one of your pics what you're referring to with the bud rot question. That doesn't look like bud rot, just like some smaller sugar leaf type leaves burnt/died on ya. Could be lots of reasons so its hard to speculate, but doesn't look like bud rot. Bud rot will normally sort of 'fall apart' or pull off of the bud if you tug at it a little bit...and have a general soft/mushiness.