Brown tip leaves showing 7th week

7th week in got a slight dead end on leaf. will this effect my buds? i am home growing 4 plants 1st time :) I am using a 400 watt lamp in a small room, I feed only at night every night 9pm. For the 4 i feed a 2ltr bottle between them all as you see they do look healthy apart from the odd brown tip on leaves..
pls if anyone can tell me what to do.. thanks..

It's prob a little nute burn if your feeding every night. You should always water in the morning so your soil will dry out during the day and not have to sit in soggy soil all night.
Thanks but i thought with light on at 9pm till 9am it wouldn't go soggy! i dont have a fan running or any vents either but just curious to why leaf as they am.. thanks
U should be watering every 2-3 days on average. U want to be especially careful with over watering now because u are so far into flower u do not want to invite mold into ur grow. Water and then wait until the pots are light to the touch before u water again. And if u have been,feeding everyday i would suggest a flush to get any build up out. Then resume feeding on a normal schedule
A flush does that mean repot them again? i always check the pots soil before watering they always seem dry to touch, but if your saying over watering dang i didnt know i was after all i only use half ltr food per plant per evening as light goes on 12 hours. if i have to repot them would that stress my ladys out? at this stage im at?
No flushing is feeding just water abt 2 to three times the volume of soil. Just to leach any built up salts or elements. Stick ur finger abt 2-3 inches in the soil to check for moisture b4 u water. A half liter doesn't seem like much but could throw ph off and cause lock out. As for transplanting at 7 weeks in flower i would just let them be. If u transplant now they will focus on growing roots instead of buds. What strain are u growing and what size pots?
I will check in morning the soil as for what they am i had them given me believe to be AK.47s pots am 9" in size will do water every other day then shall i for 6 days? will that be any good!!

Okay I am sorry wrong info given, my pots am 12 inch, Not 9" last night i watered no food. this morning got a right old smell of bud LOL for three days i will only water my ladies. let me tell you how I feed, I been using Bud-XL mixture 10ml to 2ltrs of water, I was feeding when I put my lamp on, using a 2ltr bottle too the 4 ladies,
Question will the leaf tips do damage to my girls? and will I be ok just watering for 3 days with no food? as I said I am new to this and any info is very greatful for me..

thanks guys ..