Brown Tips / Yellow Lf - One with Flower / One with Veg - Organic Grow / ph 6.4 - 6.8


Active Member
The first three photos are of a plant that is in flower. It's in its 2nd week of flower and its been developing these brown tips, and the leafs are starting to turn yellow, as you can see from the pics.

The soil in all of the images is Roots Organics. The water out of the tap has a pH of 6.9 and when it goes through this soil, from its high acidity it ends up coming out at around 6.0 ish. I have to use pH up - Earth Organics crystals which helps up the pH run off to about 6.4 - 6.8. The soil is very healthy and was chosen specificly, just not sure if shes eating all her nitrogen reserves so early into flower and not make it through the process? Anyone with tips? Also please continue to look at the lower post which contains my babies who are into their 5th week into veg.

So these images are of the 5th week veg. They are starting to display browning tips on their outer edge, and I assumed it was either a light nuteburn. Not really sure figured I'd ask before I jacked these up too. These plants are my first ever grow so I am still learning, but I chose all top quality well rated products. I am assuming it maybe a pH issue all around. Maybe you guys can help out. I also noticed that on some new growth on one of the plants shes starting to get yellow tips which you can see right under these texts. Also the lower images exhibit the brown tips that I was referring to. Anyone got a clue on any of these issues? Help a noob out :) I also want to add that the one with the yellow tips is white rhino and the last image is of ak48 - just incase this might be a plant specific thing.



Well-Known Member
flush to be safe...looks like nute burn to me...i would flush, let the pot dry out...water as you normally would, let it dry...and then fertilize with 1/4 strength again.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Well, I had a horrible experience with Roots soil once, so I learned to never use that brand again lol. Now I just stick to the Fox, Happy Frog to be exact. No probs ever.

Yeah, I'd flush em really well with your perfectly Ph'd tapwater (lucky!), cause it's prob just nute burn. Heat stress can cause the same thing too in its early stages.

The Roots soil I used the one time ended up locking-out the phosphorus in the soil, yours looks more like a potassium deficiency if anything along those lines...

Those would be the areas I would check. GL!

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
The flowering ones especially. The veggies might just have nute burn a bit. Hard to tell with the pics you have, don't take that the wrong way.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Oh, and get some nutes specific to the flowering cycle for the girls in flower asap. The almost total lack of all nutes other than N might be the problem too. When switching to flower you can almost drop the N but you have to bump up the P and K a lot.

You said your tap water was 6.9Ph, but what about AFTER you add your nutes to it? Nutes drop a mix's Ph quick, especially organic nutes. You might need some Ph Up as well.


Active Member
Well I've been using Ph Up and right now I am sitting at a comfortable 6.4 - 6.8. Would that fluctuation screw with them? I already added some bat guano 1-10-1 / bat guano nitrogen 12-1-1 / small touch of bloodmeal 12-1-1 / Bonemeal 6-9-6 / Humboldts equilibrium very small dose / and pinch of epsom - This is over the past few weeks. The leaf issues seamed to have calmed down on the flower one but shes starting to bud now and her lower leafs seemed to have slowed down with the problem but they are a bit wonky still sadly.

As for the vegging one they are still having some issues that I am not completely sure what they are. The Ph got a little high for a day or two i believe and they had a small dose of nutelock was the initial cause. I am posting newer pics of the ones that are vegging so you can see their progress and to maybe help me diagnose whats going on if it is in fact nute burn still.

