Brown Tips


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, just noticed some brown tips on one of my plants today. Wondering if you guys could help me out. It's in a 44 oz. Hempy cup, I use GH nutes, and I've been feeding them the Veg. Grow stage mix (3 tbsp Grow, 2 tbsp Micro, and 1 tbsp Flower). Havn't noticed the problem till today, and the other plant I'm growing doesn't show signs of it (the first two pictures). Research tells me it's a Nitrogen deficiency, but is that possible with the amount of Grow nutes I'm giving?

The last four ones are the plant I'm having problems with.



Well-Known Member
would you recomend watering with nutes every other watering, switching it with regular water, or cut the nutes down half strength?


Well-Known Member
It's just a little nute burn. Just cut your dose in half and start there. Personally, I don't mind if my plants show a little burn. It let's me know they aren't lacking anything :mrgreen:

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
would you recomend watering with nutes every other watering, switching it with regular water, or cut the nutes down half strength?

Hey SpecialKayMe - I answered you in the Hempy thread, before I saw this thread. Anyway you have nutrient burn. And I would suggest the following steps to take:

- 2 weeks is too young for fertilizer
- flush with r/o water
- start nutrients back up in about a week and then just give 1/4 strength
- I use GH 3 part Flora Series also and the containers says on the back as recommended feeding for:

Cuttings and Seedlings (your plants are seedlings)
1/4 teaspoon of each part - FloraGrow/FloraMicro/FloraFlower

So start flushing, then just water every other day and after a week to a week and half, you can start feeding again - using the above amounts.


EDIT: And with Hempy, you definately only want to give nutrients with every other watering.

So far your plants look great, good luck with your grow!!!


Well-Known Member
Yes I would say nute burn here too. Really doesn't look that bad and doesn't (by the pictures) seem to be on all leaves. Yea 2 weeks is too young but on the other hand you have pretty lush foliage. Cut back for a week and after 2 weeks start a increase. Good luck