Brown/yellow spots on the plant leaves



I have a 25 day old plant, it is still under 18/6 lights and today I've first noticed this yellow/brown spots on the plant leaves. I water it every 2-3 days when the soil and 2 inch below the top of the soil is dry. I've only added a little nutes last week, half of the recommended dose that it says on the bottle. I've been looking below the leaves and around the plant and I can't seem to notice any pests. What could be causing this? Should I maybe try flushing the plant?



keep it real.

Well-Known Member
I think it's over watered. I'm not 100% sure but I believe I k def does that coloring on the leaves you need to look that up tho.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
yeah definitely could be from over watering. next time if you have to, remove plant from pot and check to see if it's dry enough to water or feed, don't just go by top inch of soil being dry.
from the sound of it, you are suffering from water logged soil and multi deficiencies, which seems to be very common on this board. let soil go drier than usual than feed accordingly.


Well-Known Member
Looks like it starts at the top and bottom leaves are OK. Could be too much light as you see leaf curling too. Light or heat from light.