Browning/Redding Stems?


Well-Known Member
Probably a plethora of probs here, most have been listed, lack of correct spectrum light, probably little air movement/air being cycled out of the room, probably no fan on the plants, all helping it stretch. Add to that the funguses and bacteria attacking the plant due to too little air movement, little new air coming in, the damage caused by the flood flight, and then the stem being infected by these fungi, the best advice I can give you is to start again, beforehand go download one of those grow videos that talk about grow basics and make sure you tick the boxes of those things that you cannot get away with not doing when it comes to growing cannabis indoors.

1/ Lights: proper spectrum and watts
2/ Air: circulating air, air extraction
3/ Temperatures and humidity control
4/ Bug control and general hygiene
5/ Food
6/ pH
7/ Watering

Also if you start again, make sure you sterilise everything. Use hydrogen peroxide if you can get it, or else one of the raft of hyperchlorates available (bleach) wash down all the surfaces, pots, walls etc to avoid damping off reoccuring.


Well-Known Member

Really guys. Really?

You know what it is called. You have access to the Internet. Google, Yahoo, Bing... fuck. Take the time it took you to ask me to do your homework for you and apply it to a search engine.

Seriously. Took me 5 seconds.

You guys are capable enough to do a little research right?

Really guy. Really?

I looked at the wiki link you posted before you posted it and I was still unclear if a plant with this disease that doesn't die and you can't cure 100% should be destroyed. I didn't see any info on that and that is why I asked.

You are capable of answering a simple question without being a JERK aren't you ?!?

The last thing the world needs is another asshole.......asshole....

ez profit

Snow crash do you understand that 70% of the shit on the Internet is incorrect. So if you are so fuckin smart about things help some people out and quit being a prick. Unless you are just a noob and really don't know shit or even what your talkin about!!!