Browns Spots Sloooooooooow Growth! Help


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody I need help....

I have 9 plants that I am preparing indoors at night and on crappy days, and outside durring sunny days. I cant give you a picture because my cell phone is malfunctioning. Here is my problem...The tallest plant I have is about 4&1/2 inches, its taller than the others because it's streched. Anways it started to develop yellow spots on the center set of leaves. Just the single leaf blades that come out on each side. Recently the yellow spots started to turn brown, and more yellow spots started to turn up on the upper leaves. Yesterday I checked it and those two leaves were about 50% solid brown, and the upper leaves yellow spots started to turn brown as well... The whole time I was thinking well at least it's only one plant, but now a few others are starting to show faint yellow spots as well.... So I'm officially hitting the panic button... I trimmed up the tall one that first showed symptoms and put it back with the others.

I bought FoxFarms Oceans Mix for the final transplant but right now there in five inch black plastic pots with about 4/10 sand and 6/10 miracle grow organic soil.(the sand was baked in the oven for sterilization)
The plants have slowed growth a lot in the past week, while before i noticed changes everyday, now I'll notice a small change once every 3 or 4 days. They are on a 16/8 light cycle (sun and floro light mix) and the only nutes I've added was a half teaspoon of blood meal to each plant, and I did that two weeks ago and haven't added anymore becasue it says to apply 1x per month...

I'll try and get pics soon, but any advice you can give now is appreciated.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Pictures would help considerably otherwise we can only guess.

Probably phosphorus deficiency.
Maybe potassium deficiency.
Maybe manganese deficiency.
Maybe calcium deficiency.

What's the water pH?


Well-Known Member
I love to promote RIU as much as I can BUT mmclean3 gave you a great link, that series of posts is packed. Check it out.

Also, cross check it with the info/pics from the RIU GrowFAQ. A lot of the info is the same exact words but you can get a well-rounded sense of the situation.

Good luck. Post some pics.


Well-Known Member
I love to promote RIU as much as I can BUT mmclean3 gave you a great link, that series of posts is packed. Check it out.

Also, cross check it with the info/pics from the RIU GrowFAQ. A lot of the info is the same exact words but you can get a well-rounded sense of the situation.

Good luck. Post some pics.
The sad part is I got that link from this websites plant problem forums in the sticky post by i forgot who. But thats where that link was found n its great..!! it really is