Bruce Banner(?) + Bagseed Experiment (First Time Grow)


Active Member
New to the site and have a couple posts, now that I have everything setup and a good idea of what I am going to do I figured I would start a journal.

Still working out the kinks and getting my feet wet, didnt want to waste quality seeds. Going to veg for a few weeks, get all the kinks ironed out and then switch to a 12/12.

My closet setup.Size: 54"L x 24"W x 66"H
Intake: 12" fan with 8" duct floor level intake
Exhaust: 2 x 4" duct top exhaust
Lighting: Currently Under Hydrafarms 4' 4 Bulb T5 (6400k) Will definately flower under 250W HPS, debating on whether or not to get a MH/HPS SS2 right now.
Seeds: 3 x bag seeds of what was said to be Bruce Banner, unknown how or what is was pollinated with, got a oz and found 3 seeds in one bud, the rest seedless. Regardless it was potent and tasty.
Seeds: 5 x mixed bag seeds (should be interesting)
Soil: MG Seed Starting now, MG 3 Month next
Nute: FloraNova Grow
Temp: about 77 - 80
Humidity: ? (waiting for digi therm to get here)

I think my PH is off because they are slow growing, but my digi meter wont be here til the end of the week. Also I am waiting for my digi thermometer to come in, I have a feeling I will need a humidifier as well. Pretty sure the slow growth is from the Ph & dryness. However my soil Ph seems fine....
I will more than likely just let this first batch grow a few weeks and then go to a 12/12, being the strains are really unknown I dont want to mess around too much. I am still trying to work out my nutes & water. Get an idea of temps and such, work out the kinks and get my feet wet.

I have some Wonder Woman from nirvana on the way I will be using for my second grow, and planning on a ScrOG grow

Here are some pics. Not so stealth closet, but stealth enough for what we need.

Week 1:

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Day 6
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Active Member
Yes I know I have too many plants for my setup.. LOL Some will be male, some may even be sacrificed if needed...

At 13 days now, seems that I have worked through my initial newbie watering crazy phase, and waiting to see a slight wilt to know how many days to wait between....
I used purified water on Monday, and they seem to have liked it better than the water with nutes..
If anyone reads and feels like responding, I am just wondering how you add nutes in water, I mean I know how to read the bottle lol, but is it always a mix in the water, or do you switch back to straight water now and then during the cycles?

They have really sprouted since I got the new box set up with better airflow, flushed them with h20, and its much cooler now, stays about 80f under the light, 78 in the rest of the box.
Will be transplanting into the 2nd pots this weekend, 1 gal for the next 2 weeks, then into the 3gal for flowering.

From what I have seen/read here these look to be about right for 2 weeks.
Day 13: First 3 in pic one, and pic 2 is the BB(?) the others are bagseed..



Active Member
250W MH/HPS switchable. Put the white fan is and have it blowing on the reflector, the intake is blowing on the plants.
10" Fan added to the top for exhaust..

Transplanted into some Fox Farm Ocean Forest, they didnt have the happy frog. Just in soil and purified water now..

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Temps sit around 82 when its closed up, but thats above the light with less airflow, its cooler under the light with the 2 fans blowing.

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Added a couple pics from this am, they are enjoying the new light


Active Member
Did some cropping, and pulling them down to try and keep all the tops at one level.... Kind of sloppy, but learning...

Switched to the HPS & 12/12...

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Everyone seems happy, just have to weed out the males....


Active Member
Got a update on this?
Sorry... Been hiding out in the 250w thread....

Switched to a 12/12 about 2 weeks ago, weeded out 4 males and its beginning to look like the rest are Fem. The BB(?) may have been from a hermied bud, I am just going to let them go and hope for the best. No sense wasting all this time...

Been dealing with issues, my runoff Ph was kind of low, but think its all figured out at this point, flushed them all over the weekend, got my runoff at 6.6 which is good. Pretty sure the Ph of my nute solution was the culprit.

Sorry for the HPS pics....

Seem to have a decent even canopy:

Been pulling them down and spreading to expose the center.

Pretty sure those are the white pistols I am looking for

Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil
FloraNova Grow
FloraNova Bloom
Store bought distilled water, and doing nute mix-water-nute mix feeding schedule.
Did my last Grow feed today, will do a 50/50 next, then switch to the Bloom.

Ph is 6.6 - 6.8 going in, and about the same coming out in runoff...
Temps are 77 dark, 81 light.
Humidity is 50% give or take a few.

Thanks to all the fine folks here who have helped.. Hoping I am on the right track heading into flowering...


Well-Known Member
Other than smoking the finished bud, weeks 3-7 of flower are my favourite part. The way they pack on mass almost daily is so awesome. Do you use a bulking sup? I use the liquid koolbloom from gh and like it alot. Enjoy the show man, I'm subbed and I look forward to following along.


Active Member
Other than smoking the finished bud, weeks 3-7 of flower are my favourite part. The way they pack on mass almost daily is so awesome. Do you use a bulking sup? I use the liquid koolbloom from gh and like it alot. Enjoy the show man, I'm subbed and I look forward to following along.
Thanks for watching...
New to it all myself, I will be using KoolBloom, just started reading about it. So far i am just on FN Bloom, and just started using it alone. Used Grow previously.

They really took off, I am suprised, seems like since switching to 12/12 HPS they just went nuts. Part of it was the Ph issues I struggled with early on, still balancing it out. If they keep going up I will have to do some more LST, giving it another day or two...

First two pics are the same plant, 21 days apart ;)



Active Member
Just gave them a bath with some Clear Royale, got the Ph RO to 6.7, and gave them some Bloom.

Some traces of burn, but overall looking good

Thats my canopy, light is about 6" give or take..


Three different here, did not pay attention to which is which, hard to tell apart. Same strain so who cares lol. I will sort it out at harvest...

Will be introducing liquid KB at next feeding..


Active Member
Everything seems to be going fine still. Nute issues are clearing, new growth is nice and healthy.
Still stretching a bit, but slowed down. Light is just about 24" from soil, have 20 tops that are 18 - 20" tall and another handful a few inches lower.
Def going to end up with quite a bit of popcorn buds, I will wait it out and see what they look like when the tops are ready, might harvest the tops and let them go an extra week or so with the light closer. Who knows.

Forgive the phone pics... They are the Bruce Banners, the only bag-seed that made it this far is tucked in the corner, you can kind of see it in the 2nd pic in the back... It keeps going so I am reluctant to cut it....



Active Member
Spun my light, able to push them together a little better. They are starting to fill in.

I am reading up a little on lollipopping but dont like the idea of cutting the lower buds. I was thinking of harvesting the tops first, and then lowering the light for an extra week or so on the lower popcorn buds...

Anyone have advice/suggestions on that?

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Active Member
Let them go a little too long without water.. Were drooping a little last night before dark, this am 2 of them were real droopy. Gave them all a drink of 6.5 water.
Trying to figure out my nute issues, been feeding with 6.5 constant, but need to flush them later today I think.

Buds are filling in nicely regardless. Hoping I can get it worked out this time around. Anyone new whos watching or stumbles onto this thread, make sure you keep a close eye on your Ph early on. I was too low, then went overboard trying to correct it and was too high. Been some growing pains so far...

Heres a couple overall shots. Second pic shows the two closest to the intake and fan really needing water, and the nute lockout on the back one. Back right is the sativa, she is filling in nicely as well...

And some pretty budshots of coarse. Seeing some crystals forming..


Active Member
Flush time... Ran a gallon of clear and a few gallons of 6.5 through them all, then topped it off with nutes...

Fingers crossed.... Leaves look crappy, but the buds seem happy.. Hey that rhymes..

Pheno 1, this one has the worst nute damage.. And the fullest buds.. Go figure.

Pheno 2 & 3 are nearly identical except for overall hight, one is about 3" taller and is bent and twisted to try and keep it level.


Not going to be their full potential, but I think they will be ok as long as I keep up on the Ph...

Any tips advice or feedback???


Active Member
On a str8 H2o regimen for a week or so, then introducing a light strength nute mix... Burned them up good last time...

Week 5.5 of 12/12 and 4 since showing sex.
7 kolas on this one all same height, 3 - 4 more a couple inches lower. Its a bushy one, buds are tighter and fuller than her 2 sisters. And she is the most damaged...


Filling in and getting frosty...


Active Member
I think our girls are going to finish around the same time your growth is identical to mine including the burn!
LOL.. I am looking forward to trying again with more knowledge.. This is an 8 - 10 week strain, so I should have about 5 weeks left.. Hoping I can finish strong.


Active Member
Bent the two tallest branches today, better canopy now.

Mixed a 1/2 strength bloom/koolbloom and gave them a light watering. Did not need to Ph the mix, it was 6.3 and my soil is still reading around 6.7 so hoping that they will even each other out around 6.5. Did not water alot so there was no real RO to test.

Looking frosty and smelling good. Not getting a strong smell yet, not sure if its the fans or the ona.

Bent over and left, they are not moving and most of the lower growth is supporting it.

Now I have a nice even canopy between 4 - 6" ... And my sativa back in the corner, tough little plant...


Active Member
Bent all my taller growth over and raised the light a little. Fan leaves are clearing up, or at least not getting any worse.

Here are a couple shots with all of them stuffed in together.

This is just 1 of them out of the box. Buds are getting frosty, not alot of smell yet unless i put my nose right against them or start moving them around.