Bruce Banner(?) + Bagseed Experiment (First Time Grow)


Well-Known Member
Looking good man. They are starting to clear up and looking healthy. Really frosty, what type of smell does this strain have?

When you mix your nutes maybe back off the FN a bit and use the koolbloom at 5ml. I always try to adjust my 3 part and use the koolbloom at close to full strength. I find that after about week 3 they seem to use as much K as I can give them. The N and P seem to cause the most problems with burning and that can be adjusted slightly with your 2 part mix.

A friend turned me on to GH Florablend. It is a vegan plant booster that helps to condition roots and stabilize nutrient uptake. Works really well for me and he swears by it.


Active Member
Thanks mokuru...

Yeah stoneslacker that helps alot. I have to go lurk and rep some peaopl to spread the love so I can rep you again lol, seems your always helping...
The whole nute thing has me scratching my head and real nervous. My last feeding was light strength, next one I will try 1/2 strength bloom and go full with the KB.. I have to pick up some dry KB, I am about half way through flower right now so I am figuring to start adding that soon...

Next grow will be more detailed from the start. This one got out of hand so I am just trying to let the plants tell me and not burn them more..

Its smells a bit green still if you know what I mean, more like fresh lawn than anything else.. The Ona may be skewing tho, if I squeeze a bud it smells fruity & skunky. And if I move them around they start stinking...

The way my intake & fan are set there is a constant wind blowing on them, so I think it takes away from the smell while they are being left alone.. Its a good thing tho, was worried about the smell and as of now its fine...


Active Member
Minor adjustment to my 12" fan, the back plant was not getting alot of airflow so I tied it upside down... Also raised the light up a few inches, it was 4 - 6" off the tops, now its 6 - 8".. Let the tops stretch a little more as they fill in..
one plant has some bad burn, but the fullest buds. Frosty too...

Tues - Wed should be ready for another feeding. Did str8 distilled today at 7.0 and it came out 7.0, so I ph down to 6.7 and got that as the RO reading as well.
Going to use 1/2 strength bloom and full koolbloom at 6.5 and see how the react.


Active Member
About 7 weeks since switching to 12/12, started flowering about 10 days in. One of them seems to be maturing a little faster, seeing more orange hairs. Figuring about 3 weeks left give or take.
Buds are filling in more, starting to pop out the sides. Gave them 1/2 strength bloom & full strength liquid kool bloom today Ph'd to 6.3 - 6.4

First 4 are the more mature one, other two is the others.




Active Member
Just some updates.

She is getting close, couple weeks. Getting nice and fat...

This one is even closer, going to start checking trichs and get ready to chop....


MMMM Nute burned frosty's lol


Well-Known Member
Looks really good man. Budsets look really dense and fat. I think it's the koolbloom that makes them so fat, my buds always end up really fat around the midsection and nice and dense. Props man!


Active Member
Looks really good man. Budsets look really dense and fat. I think it's the koolbloom that makes them so fat, my buds always end up really fat around the midsection and nice and dense. Props man!
Thanks man. Yeah the two that are still a few weeks out are dwarfing the other now, buds popping out the sides of the kolas.. Dense and gooey too


Active Member
Very nice dude. I'm curious to see how much these girls yield. Subbed.

Well I cut 12" down on by fullest one, left all the lower popcorns to go another week.

Id say there is at least 1 z hanging.. Still 2 more of these girls that have another week or two to go. And still have my sativa.
250W rocks...

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Active Member
Dryed a bit to long, I was out of town so it is what it is.
Also seems I cut a tad early...

Taste and smell leave a bit to be desired, but it packs a punch...

Have some snap crackle pop, definately will be flushing from here on out for the last week.

Some little nugs. Saving the top kolas for later ;)


Jarred up... Havent weighed it yet...

Buds are loose and fluffy. Need to try and get my temps down below 80 for the next grow...

Still have the lower part of this one growing, and 2 more of the Bruce Banner maturing. One is ready to come down this weekend, the other Im letting go til next week.


Active Member
24g dry weight from the top part of the first plant.

Still debating what to do, have to really examine the trichs on the other 2 tomorrow. Hoping to let them go another week, one is really getting fat, growth out the sides. Will get some pics 2morrow.

Here is the final of the first cut. I was out of town so it dried way too long, its rather crispy... Next cut will be better. Using a box and passive fan.


This is one I may be cutting tomorrow.


Active Member
Well one of my girls seems to have taken a turn for the worse. Going to let her go another couple days and cut, hope for the best..


Dont feel too bad for me, this one came down today...


Here is the lower growth from the one I chopped last week....

All in the box drying out, have an 8" fan pulling air up through the top.. Temps about 72f, as cool as I can get it.. 55% humidity...

And heres my sativa I keep talking about... She got some nute shock, but flushed her out and feed her again today. RO is 6.5...



Active Member
Well getting down to the end, most has been cut and is either hanging or curing in jars.

2nd one came out much much better, very fuely/skunky smell and taste, looks like its a Diesel dominant of the BB strain. Very gooey and sticky, still a tad damp but perfect bowl smoke. Burns even and clean, nice white ash.

Have not weighed it yet, in the jars closed for 24 and will open them for 12 and then weigh it all. Estimated 1.5 z give or take a few g...

Just love the spiral growth on this one...


Nice nugget here. Have 5 more just like it ;)

All the main in the jar..

This is all thats left alive, the Sativa and the lower growth of the one I cut this am. Will let her finish the week and cut sat. The Sativa is going to be a little bit. Filling in nice, big calyxs, frosty.. Not bad for a bag seed...


Well-Known Member
Great job on your first grow man. The problems you had are ones even experienced growers suffer through sometimes. On your next run you should really try adding Clearex to your system. I am really loving the schedule I am running right now, the plants go about 3 days before they dry out and need some liquid. I feed them HEAVY every time and run Clearex at 10-15mL per gallon about every 10-14 days or about every 4th feeding. I dump half a gallon of Clearex on each plant and follow that up with about a gallon and a half of plain water.

I then feed them heavy till the next flush and this seems to be working real well for me. I am at 22 days into flower and I am already pushing >3.5 mL Koolbloom.

Granted I am growing in hempys so you would want to lessen your feeding a bit with soil, but I think using the Clearex will definitely benefit you.


Active Member
Thanks. Its a real pleasure when I take the first toke of this batch, I thank you guys for the guidence...

I have a bottle of clearing solution, going to use it more next round. My plan is to start light and gradually work up.
The Liquid KoolBloom is some great stuff, really saw the difference once I started it. My Sativa has impressed me, she really likes it swelling up alot, and still all white pistols so its going to get bigger. 2 big kolas, and a 3rd smaller one....

Whatever way I do my nute schedule I plan on flushing with clearing solution every 2 weeks, same way you describe about 1/2 gal of clearex, and another 1.5 gal of str8 distilled. Try to keep things from building up.
And most importantly all my nute solutions will be at or as close to 6.5 as possible.


Active Member
Well I pulled another 56g from the bottom of the first I chopped and the second one i chopped, so that was 2 of the BB's and about 77g of bud.

Cut the tops of my 3rd BB, clipped and jarred yesterday. She is the one that started looking bad, buds are ok, alot of brown leaf tho. May just use it for oil. Pulled another 25g off her so far, left the bottom half to finish with the Sativa.

So right now I am at 102g from 2.5 plants under 250w.. Waaayyy more than I ever thought I could do under 250w.. They could have used some more light, 4 is tight. But nice to have a bunch of nice bud jarred up..

So not done yet, still have my Sativa bagseed, she is filling in and frosting up, calyxs are swelling nice.
Did a 1/2 gal of cleaner, + 1gal water, and 1 gal nute solution through yesterday.. couple weeks left...

Looks so barren in there now...

Jarred them up, left in the dark. Its a tad dry, but i have a trick for that.


And made a couple batches of brownies, had about 1/2z of popcorn to get rid of... lol