Brush Tactics


Active Member
Anyone know or have used any plants that would blend in with a bushy area and hide my babies for next year?? Oh and relatively cheap plants would be a plus :smile:



Well-Known Member
i dunno, but i used bamboo and it worked like a charm. i also planted some basil and rosemary in the area to cover the smell of flowering. also, i attached fake flowers to my plant at the stem while it was still in veg, and it worked pretty well


Well-Known Member
ive found weed to blend in fairly well on its own. when the surrounding vegetation is green and similar height ive noticed that people rarely notice it. you notice it much more


Well-Known Member
Yeh bamboo definately,also Christmas Bush (Ceratopetalum gummiferum) and Coastal morning glory (Ipomoea cairica), its a weed in aus so i dunno its status wherever u are.(its a vine)


Active Member
all you need to do is hike so far back in the woods that if you your self was a ripper that you would not find them if you were lookig for them. and also if someone was going to fallow you to your spot they would need to be realy desprate to follow. i think this due to the fact that most hikers including my self follow kind of a code that prevents them from trampaling vegitation. and also at least in my state it ilegal to trampel vegitation or blaze a trail tipe of thing to protect the wild life habitat.
but rember if you go off the beatin path you must no some basic survival skills like compass and map reading.
and just for info its not just weed that people need to hide from rippers. a sertan jinsing root that takes 20+ years to mature that sells for hundreds of thousands of $$ needs to be hiden from people in the same way.


Well-Known Member
all land where i live is leased by hunting clubs and 1 month prior to hunting season hunters start wandering around the woods looking for secrete hunting areas...and this is usually early september here so it is well ahead of harvest time...and if any hunters find a faint trail they think its a game trail and follow it looking for deer scrapes...and surprise surprise...they find your grow and set-up game cameras to document your involvement...and they are quite good at hiding things like that
not trying to rain on anyones parade...just food for thought