Bryguy's Apartment Gro Journal WW/LSD/Deisal/Blue Widow


Active Member
I was wondering if you had ever thought about just enclosing that room a little bit with like some sheets with mylar on them or anything?? The grow looks awesome and the plants look great too!!!! I just started mine and they are all OG Kush ive got 6 going right now in a grow tent..... I went the grow tent way cuz with my last grow i used a room like yours and only yeilded like 3oz off of 6 plants. I later found out from a guy that i lost a lot of lumens to the area around it. Just something to think about.......

But again awesome grow looks great. I wouldnt be too worried about the pest. Didnt sound like they were in there that long.. +reps for nice shit and Ill subscribe too


Active Member
Nevermind I went back through and reread your journal............hahahahahaha still fucking nice ass shit!!!!!!!! I am totally jealous!!!


Active Member
Spidermites could easily be a problem. With all the work and expense (doggies nuts!) you got there I would be looking under those leaves EVERY few hours for a day or 3 with a magnifying glass! First sign of a mite I would spray some soapy waterunder the leaves. If the mites don't rescind within 36 hours i would spray with neem oil. You got too much of a good thing to even think about spidermites.



Active Member
So far, no sign of spidermites. The "clones" are sitting on the balcony in a diaper box. I give them 2 weeks and they will be fodder. My babies are looking very nice, however. They just got another set of leaves completely unfold. I'll put another pic update at the beginning of next week. Thanks for the feedback, I want to make sure these come up really well. They'll be moved to their new home on monday night, after the lights go off, they'll have mylar air movement, the works.


Active Member
Start of week 3:

this one is short and sweet, can't type too well due to an accident I had a few days ago. I transfered the 3 weakest ones on sunday (3 days ag) into 2 gallon buckets. Four plants have 8-10 nodes, with 4 pointed leaves.

So far, I'm not impressed with the barnies lsd. 1 didn't germ and the other is growing weak. The diesal is looking phenominal, being my fastest grower. WW#1 is right behind that looking very good (the sativa is really showing in this one!) followed by 1 blue widow behind that.

ATM I have one blue widow showing slight nute burn, the lsd is still looking stunted, and the other white widow is trailing behind these guys.

I have decided to flower the whole bunch. I might take cuttings off of the ww, deisal, and blue widow before I 12/12 them in about 3 or 4 weeks, but I can't imagine using these for mothers.

So I've decided to germinate fresh seeds tonight.

In a moist towel using water and rooting hermone I have

2 Barnies LSD
2 Dina Dem White Widow
2 Doggies Nuts White Widow
3 LeHaze (non fem)

We will see how these turn out.

For now: Pics!

Also: My plants moved into the nearly completed grow room 3 nights ago. The only thing I need to do left is add my 1000w light to the grow area and I'm legit.



tea tree

Well-Known Member
jesus freak! what the hell are yu doing showing that without warning. i was scrolling thru pics real fast and I just lost my, thst was hilarious. tuff shit. got to love grow room building in an apt. i just had to rewitre my ducts to avoid powder


Active Member
I was testing the airflow being pumped into my grow room from an unpictured squirral fan when my son hit me in the back of my knee and hand slipped too far into the fan and it nearly took off my fingertip.


Active Member
Just finished transfering WW, Deisal, and BW over to 2 gallon pots, too. I'm hanging my 1000w hood tonight. I won't be using it for at least another three to four weeks though, but it's always nice to be prepared. I'm getting ready to drop my next crop into rapid rooters tonight. My plan is to have these seeds done with vegging about the time these plants are ready harvest.


Well-Known Member
I like your grow man.. sweet stuff.

I think LSD must have very sketchy phenotypes or something. I see some peoples that grow awesome and a lot that just dont turn out all that well. I have one that will be harvested next week. I've already had a tester bud that is good enough to make me try it again for one more pack of seeds to see if I can find a good growing one. Plus I seem to see better results on this strain in hydro setups which I just moved to. The LSD is my last soil plant.

Doesn't actually give you any kind of full out hallucinations... but it does get a little trippy when your good and ripped off of it with your eyes closed. The capillary action in your eye lids starts to play some tricks on you. lol

Like I say... good enough smoke to make me get another pack in the near future to find a better growing phenotype.


Active Member
Day 23

My main stems of my plants have become pencil stems! these girls are getting thick! The deisal just got it's first 7 point leaves last night. They are really turning into little bushes! I am seriously considering buying a 1000w MH converter bulb for my ballist and plugging them into that. If so, then they would start doing some serious take off. I'm pissed that my friend broke the one I had before. Well, that's all for today. I'll have a pic update on monday


Active Member
you know, I'm wondering if a hydro setup could even happen in an apartment complex. I'm starting to realize the limitions of growing in an apartment. I want to saw open like a 4 inch hole into my room, and and 8 inch hole going out---fat chance of pulling that off without the property managers finding out. My room is reaching hot levels during the peak hours of the evening. My room starts out at about 80F and today peaked out at 94F. It's a huge room though, don't get me wrong. I've got 4 fans focused on my girls, but I'm not sure if it's enough. I think a portable air conditioner might be outside my price range right now. Could anyone offer any advice for cooling down my room?


Well-Known Member
cooling is one of those things that takes money or construction.

About the only 'cheap' solution would be trying to make your own homemade swamp cooler. The only issues I see with that is a) your in the northwest so the humidity is normally already a little higher so its effectiveness is diminished b) the high humidity might be come an issue during flower.

Search high and low for an ac unit... you can normally eventually find one for $50-150. I paid $100 for my portable.


Active Member
My room humdity is only 30 atm. A little low for vegging, tbh. Can you find air conditioning units for under $500???

I stand corrected, did you find one used for that price or what? I can afford a $100 a/c, but not a $300 one.


Active Member
So pic update tomorrow, but I had to add this to my journal. So far my Doggies nuts are a mixed review. On one hand, my prize plant of my current crop is ONE of my white widows, while the other one is acting stunted (I'm guessing the root growth ain't too hot. I'm thinking of adding rooting hormone to it's next feeding). However, on my new seedlings, one white widow doesn't germ (to be expected from a 10 pack for like one not to did, but the tail never got bigger than 1 cm), but the another WW that I germed (I just germed 4, got 3 out of it) WAS BORN WITH SERRATED LEAVES! It was born with it's first set of leaves WITH it's cotton leaves. Has anyone ever heard of that? Anyways, out of 9 germed seeds 8 made it.

3 lehaze
3 ww
2 LSD (they both are making it, maybe there is hope for barney afterall)


Active Member
just a short thing:

My son ran unlocked the door to my house and ran outside (he's 2) while i was taking a dump and the cops came into my home. I didn't allow them into my grow room w/o a warrent and they got pissed. I got in their face a lot but they pretty much took my bongs and called DHS for child safety. I tore up all plants about 4 weeks into flowering and had to throw them away before they came back with a warrent (they never did) but DHS did come. They didn't care about my grow room (it had a cantalope growing in it) and that was that. I can't post pics because my laptop is broken and i'm at a librery atm but I am now medical and i'm growing a new crop. They are about 2 months old and almost ready to flower.

Blue Widow
Barney's LSD wish me luck