Bubba Kush/Buddha's Sister Grow


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. Here is my new grow. It is Bubba Kush and a couple of Buddha's Sister. I will be keeping track of everything on this thread so sorry if some stuff gets redundant.

Started with some Fox Farms. I think when I transplant I will transplant into the Ocean Mix from Fox Farm.

Im going to do 16 sites. 8 on the left and 8 on the right b

These are the cloes I have taken from my other plants that had some trouble. All the clones look good. I have extra if some dry out for some reason.
Here is the layout: I tried for 8 of each but there will only be 6 Buddha's Sister.

So for the first day I just gave them water with no nutes. They will go for about a week with no nutes. So they are now potted, next I am going to put them into my 4x4 hydrohut under a bank of t5 Floroescents (8 4ft long)


Well-Known Member
Here is the light I have been using for vegging. I am also running a 6inch fan as an exhaust connected to a 6inch odor sock so there are no smells.

Air conditioner is on the outside of the hut so the exhaust sucks cool air through the vents in the bottom of the hut.


Well-Known Member

I use these for both my lights. I like them a lot better than chain. Way easy to move up and down by just lifting the light or pulling it down.
Here is some AfGoo that has been going around. Im still tring to figure out how to take better close ups.

Here is what they look like set up. For some reason one clone (it looked strong and had root growth) fell over. I just pulled it and put a kush in there.


Well-Known Member
My temps are a little high because my fan broke. I will get another one in there asap. There is still a little fan clipped to the side of the tray..



Well-Known Member
I always use good water. I like getting the distilled water from the store but drinking water is fine. Distilled has like <5 ppm and drinking water usually has like 50.

Neem them down for the night and I will see everyone tommrow. I like these sprayers because you can get under the leaves easy.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, Temps today are at 79 F under the lights. I wanna get that fan in there to get the heat out from under the light. Charging camera battery. Will have pics in a min.


Well-Known Member
Night one went well, I was worried that I was going to open the tent today and everything was going to be dead for some reason. One clone was looking kind of weak..

I just pulled it, I don't want to waste my time if it is not looking good.

I replaced it with the clone that was chillin on the side. This clone was not doing good but it has came back and it is looking nice..

Give it a little water and it is good to go


Well-Known Member
In case anyone was wondering my 2x4 ft tray is on top of some rubbermade bins. These catch all the water. Very easy and works very well

Just when I was saying that I like the pullys for the light one breaks on me. It will only let me raise my light like between 1 foot and 3. Everything is ok becacuse the plants arn't that big. Light pully is now on the shopping list.

Check to make sure the soil is still moist. And it is. I will be watering every 2 days.

Spray em all down to keep the humidity at around 40 percent. Also its like the conditions of the cloning dome that they were in. Don't want to shock them..

Now they should be good to grow.

DR toadstool

Active Member
the white gauge on top of the t5 set up is that a temp and humidity gauge? if it is hows that working for you and where did you get it i like it :-)


Well-Known Member
Yeah that gague is the temp and humidity. It has a remote sensor so I put that down by my plants (when they get bigger the remote sensor will be at the conopy). It will give me the room temp and the temp under the lights. I got it at Radio Shack. I think it was only like 15 bux or something. Works like a charm though.