Bubba Kush/Buddha's Sister Grow


Well-Known Member
You can see it here. I accidently hit the button to make it go to celsius before I took the picture. It works great and It has a button with memory to keep track of the Max (hottest the room got) and Min (coolest it got)

DR toadstool

Active Member
hi ok thank you i like your set up i have the t5 8 bulb also.i am going too get 1 of those gauges just need too get the exhaust fan still and a few other things and ile be good too go thanks again good luck on your grow looking good take care.


Well-Known Member
Nice, are you going to flower with the t5. I have a 600 watt hps that I am going to eventually flower them under.

GE bulb in the XtraSun 6" Air Cooled Reflector.

600 Watt HPS Lumetech (I think. It says HydroFarm on the side though)

DR toadstool

Active Member
hi yes im going too do the whole grow with the t5 blue and red bulbs mixed.i also have 2 125 w gro lux compact fluors for side light.so i will see how it goes was thinkin about hps for flower but decided was going too go just with fluors too see how that goes.your 600 hps will most likely out doo me lol take care


Well-Known Member
You would be surprised about a grow done right with t5s. There is at lease one thread on rollitup that they got a lot off t5s. Good luck with your grow man. Your should start a log..

DR toadstool

Active Member
hi yes i have seen a couple grow journals with the t5s.and i was thnking with the added 2 125w compacts i should do ok.i still need too buy a few more things before i get started and i will start a journal thanks again take care.


Well-Known Member
Its day 3 now. Temps are doing good.

Here are all of them.

Most are doing well.

Some are looking wilty. Mabye they had some shock or didn't toatlly root yet.

Its ok. I have some extra. I might end up only folwering 12 instead of 16 to fill the canopy.


Well-Known Member
I sprayed them all with H20 and Neem oil. A gave them all about 6 oz of water.

I have never used this stuff before but my friend said it should perk up my plants after transplant.

It called for 7 parts water to 1 part anti wilt solution. I watered it down a little and did 2 oz for a liter. Put it in a spray bottle and sprayed them.

It left a white residue on the leaves. I will be watching the plants closely over the next day. If that anit wilt stuff causes any harm I will spray with a bunch of h20 to get that stuff off.

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
Nice setup.. What size are those white pots?1gallon? Just checking looks like you can get 24 in there=) Just trying to figure out how many I can fit in a 4x4 tray=)for a SOG


Well-Known Member
Just checked on them and the Anti Wilt helped. It seems like they are all doing really well after the spray. The white residue went away after a min. The 3 that were not doing that well are still kind of the same we will see. I pulled one of them and put in a new clone. I may pull one more if I have to..


Well-Known Member
Nice setup.. What size are those white pots?1gallon? Just checking looks like you can get 24 in there=) Just trying to figure out how many I can fit in a 4x4 tray=)for a SOG
Yeah, you can fit a total of 24 in there and it is a 2x4 tray, so you could do double that in a 4x4. 48 of these 6inch square containers would fit in there. Im pretty sure that the pots are 1 gallon. They def look like it. I am going to transplant into round 10inch pots but I bet the 6inch square would be perfect for a sog style grow..

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
Sweeet keep up the good work man and thanks of the info.. Sounds like i can fit 10more clones in then=)


Well-Known Member
Don't veg them too much (or at all) if you are gonna fit 48 in there. I am debating wether to do 16 or only 12 in there.. Last Buddha's Sister bout doubled in size within 2 weeks of flowering, so we will see..


Well-Known Member
Last night I turned off the a/c to see how hot it would be in the morning when I checked them and it was at 90 F. That is way hot so I need to put the a/c on a timer.. I don't wan't the a/c on 24/7. That anti wilt spray I made works woneder. All the clones are doing very well. Almost all fully rooted and showing a lot of new growth. I will post a pic later..


Well-Known Member
Here is day 4. I was comparing pics from the last 3 days. It is fun to see them growing.

I have been keeping the tent open when I am home to help with air circulation and heat. I might duct the a/c in because I have 2 2 way flangues for the hut..

I will be taking a pic of this one everyday to see it grow. You can see how much it has grown from a pic I took yesterday

Doing well
