Most definitely, lights lights lights!QFT. That light setup must make rock hard nugs!
I will look into it....have you tried it yourself?.... I was going to use milk to slow it down.hit it with greencure a couple weeks in a row.... all plants.... 100% coverage
you can never fully kill PM only contain it....1 part whole milk to 7 part water.PM hugh not hard to gt ing in clones from plac not reputable
very few things really get rid of PM like a fungus
not sure on milk
i would us sumtin serrious to put it at check not slow it down
i would spray them all over and under
That only works if u r vegging and its non-organic....all product on the market including green cure are about the same, it doesn't cure the pm but it can only contain it.A friend of mine treated his mothers with Eagle 20 one time, 8 and a half months later he still has not seen the PM return.