Bubba Kush.Master Kush Clones, 400w mh earth juice

Week 1:
nutrients: EJ Grow, EJ Catalyst, Silicon
first few days clones took on heat stress and were closely watched. light was raised, and lowered several times in two days.
clones started reviving. found tempered glass for MH hood. temperature dropped. to 89.
moisture too high, turned off pump timer, watered manualy once a day.
when going onto week 2, bubba kush clones took on massive stress, grey purplish crumbling curling leaves.
i trimed 2. On other hand, Master Kush holding up wonderful, minor signes of past stress but seems to be thriving well. nice and green and bright green. changing nutrients. changing from hydro ph down acid, to organic EJ PH down.

Week 2:
nutrients: EJ Grow, EJ Catalyst, EJ Bloom, Silicon.
first day leaves are damaged on bubba kush, i dont think they will veg properly.
Set timer for auto 3 ti.mes daily during 18 hour light period. PH between 5 and 6.
Christmas Eve. Bubba Kush leaves continuing to shrink. Raised lamp 4 feet above plants.
Fed micro nutrients through foliar feed.