BubbaKush SuperLemonHaze WhiteWidow WhiteRhino LemonSkunk


Well-Known Member
yes they all have brown spots. use ro didn't start using calmag until a week ago and have only given them one good dose of it. GO organics line via soil, was feeding at 10ml per gal the recommended light feeding, have only use drip ph tester to test water it was around 6. and used soil ph tester on soil it said 6.7 not sure how accurate it is. going to test runoff tmrw. i use roots organics soil. i am in second day of flower these have been getting slowly worse for 3 wks, i just got back from being out out of town for 25 days 10 days ago and i am trying to get what my girl got out of whack when i was gone.
Since your issues started in veg you should have tried to correct them before flower. 6 is too low for soil and is at the point where N is locked out. 6.7 is on the high range and could lock out other things. 6.5 is best for soil. Are you checking ph before or after adding nutrients. You should add nutes and then adjust ph. I believe the brown spots means they have a Deficiency due to lock out most likely, Maybe a cal/mag. HC knows more about this. I read somewhere RO water causes problems. I could be mistaken. I will see if I can find it. I think it was in one of Uncle Bens threads. I would get a good ph meter. Those strips just gets you in the ball park. When you were gone for 25 days what did your girl do with them? I could not find any info on those nutrients. Did you use Roots potting soil green camo bag or the coco mix in the brown one? Are you letting the pots dry out, get very light, leves droop a bit between watering feeding?

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Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey SL whats going on. I dug up a pic of my Jillybean mother from last winter over on the tga thread that Don started. Maybe it will help you in identifying which one of yours is the JB



Well-Known Member
Hey good chart on nutrient uptake, Im hadn't seen that one before.

How's it going SL
I think I got that on RUI like a year ago...I cant rememeber who had it. I think it was Boneman...

Good actually, found a job on the internet this morning close by that Im qualified for. Not as much pay as I use to get but pretty good. I would have no worries. Cross your fingures for me...

Been working in the garden. Did all the "crack Hos last night but the big girls wernt quite ready but they sure was pouting and light as a feather this morning. Have you seen the "Make it Rain" thread by Riddleme? He had a good point and that was the way Ive allways watered my out door bushes and flower so I have been doing it for a few weeks. Me getting it down might have caused my problems but Ive seen good results so far just trying to fine tune it...I ran a gallon thru each and got good run off. Put them in the tent and when I see them in full wick after a few hours I will feed them til I get just a little run off. First time I did this I waited til they dryed out before I feed them and I think I starved them of nutes causing the yellowing and a few leaf spots. The watering method is like a mini flush. Not sure if Im right but Ill know better in a few days....

+rep when i can, thats a nice chart.
Thanks bro but credit goes to RUI...lol

Hey SL whats going on. I dug up a pic of my Jillybean mother from last winter over on the tga thread that Don started. Maybe it will help you in identifying which one of yours is the JB

Thanks buddy, but those look like the ones I think are Sharksbreath and PineappleX...lol Im thinking its the one with the skinny sativa leaves cause Sub said it was mostly sativa. The Blue Cheese and SB are like 80 indica, I think, and SG has grown PE like 7 or 8 rounds so I was going by his pic for the PE. The SB has Jamaican Lambsbread in it and I think thats a sativa so I could have a dif pheno of the SB from my last grow. One thing is that the JB is reg so If one is a male...Gotcha! lol

I just want and NEED a female...:-P


Well-Known Member
Hey HC and Tryna, The UFC has free fight on Spike saturday night. All proceedes go to the Wounded Warrior Foundation the UFC supports. Get cause for our Girls and boys coming home for the war...



Well-Known Member
lol, i see my boy cody mckenzie got a fight on his hands already. a good one too.. and i forgot ufc absorbed wec cuz i see mike brown on the card.


Well-Known Member
Bump.........Bubba Kush
I wish I could grow that one again, I'm curing about 11 grams of my harvest for about 3 more weeks, it's already pretty stinky and potent, can't wait to see how it is in a few weeks.

Nice buds!!!! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
lol, i see my boy cody mckenzie got a fight on his hands already. a good one too.. and i forgot ufc absorbed wec cuz i see mike brown on the card.
That dude cracks me up. He slick on his back but I dont he will get far as he moves up in competition... if Yves looses UFC will cut him...Im glad they added the WEC, Im looking forward to the 55ers rematch with Edgar and Gray then the winners show down with Pettis, then there is Henderson...good fight coming!


Well-Known Member
yea, he's too tall n lanky. if he gets his muy thai game up he could be somethin. he just dont look like a fighter. im excited bout the 55ers, but i wanna see aldo perform again.


Well-Known Member
Yea if he gets some stand up he can cause some damage. I just dont see that, eye of the tiger or shear animal in him. Some of these guys are very skilled and are BEAST killer instick, you know hat I mean...A strong wrestler with puching power will handle him. I could be wrong but its gonna be fun to see...I kinda hope he does well though. I think he can finish Yves but you never know what Yves will show up...

I forgot about Aldo...I cant think of anyone wo is going to challenge him. Hes a mini Silva. If I had the bucks I would get the Anderson vs Belfort fight, should be good....I use to get every fight in HD on my 60 Plazma! Come on over and we can split the cost...lol


Well-Known Member
Lol, yea.. but i think machida n gsp gonna start knockin mofo's out now.. times gettin tight n dana wants a show. how u feel about brock coaching the ultimate fighter?


Well-Known Member
I didn't have internet for over a month so I was kind of out of the loop, I didn't even know Cain was hurt...

For some reason I can't see Brock as a "coach" but I bet the ratings won't suffer because of it


Well-Known Member
ratings gonna love it.. but brock aint no coach . to me he's still learnin MMA he can wrestle his ass off n he is powerful.. but no coachin material to me. glad ya i-net is back

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Brock Lesner is the result of the gods mating with humans thousands of years ago,,,demi gods they were called. Brock is prolly a decsendant of Hercules lol