Bubble Cloner Problems?? Exp'd Please Help!

Im not sure people realize how easy it is to clone here goes with a home made bubble cloner no hormones added to the water only thing used was a bit of rooting liquid ten second dip thats it half and half solution it takes a max of 14 days for me and ive always had a 100% RATE i have never lost a clone this way i did however loose plenty before i found that humidity domes are useless unless you dont have an air pump the key is maximum air flow i used an ap300 double valve hyrdo air pump without air stones i just poked a couple hundred holes in the tubing itself i made the set up with very little material as i live on a deserted island in the south pacific i used a tub and a normal netting tray cut myself rock wool cubes about one square inch each just make sure you see bubbles touching the bottom of each cube after this is all set up i took tin foil shiny side down and sealed it up preventing any light leaks to the roots also i used wide electrical tap for the tricky spot where tin foil did not work put this under a small 18 watt fl tube 6500k i understand i could have made this a bit slicker but out here you dont have options and who cares when you have a 100 success rate the only thing i improved on was my time so far im at 10 days max i plant my clones with rockwool making sure its just below surface of soil as to not wick moisture my Rh is 35% i dont use any sore of dome and i never mist the only reason i would ever consider it is if i found my clones close to death wilting this has never happened keep a clean area disinfect after each cycle and you should be good i do keep my room at 75 degrees in the day and as i close my room up at night temps rise to 85f never had a problem i suspect if i let it go higher i might tho this has worked for me every time a few times when i wasnt even trying to clone i pulled a few 1 inch clones off haha and they actually grew into nice healthy plants im very limited on light supplies so all i use are CFLs and a few Tao LEDs i wish i could run some HIDs but no way in hell am i going to try and cool a room with an HID light when temps outside are over 100F eevery day
so how much root mass should i wait for before transplanting them to soil?
ive planted clones with only one root poking through the rockwool and never had a problem usually ill only do this if its the last clone in the tray and the rest are sprouting like crazy oh and i sift my dirt so its very fine and use a very small starter pot dont want it sitting in sludge you know
I made a cloner out of a 2.5 gal plastic pail. used a fish tank air pump with two bubble stones. could do 5 clones at a time. I used tap water from well. I didn't add anything to the clone or water. run it under a 40w florescent tube light kept temps at 83. I swear I could go pick up sticks out of the yard and make them grow. the key is temp.