Bubble cloner question


Well-Known Member
Ok, i tried this thread in general growing and got no response. lets try here. Hey all, just looking for some input. anyone out there that bubble clones i had some questions. Do you ph the water in the bubble cloner/ if so what do you ph it at. do you add something to the water to stimulate root growth/ if so what do you use? also if your useing a bubble cloner do you still dip the cutting in clonex or is that not needed...​


Well-Known Member
Only need to use plain tap water and adjusting ph is a waste unless nutes are involved. Ph affects nute uptake via the roots. No roots=no nutes=no need to adjust ph.


Well-Known Member
I have been cloning for 7 years and I have tried everything you can imagine. Everything from home made willow water to root accelerator. Its all bullshit all I use now is plain ole tap water chlorine and all changed out every 7 days. PH not needed. Dont over think it its that easy.:clap: Water vs root accelerator.....wait for it.......water won money gone wtf.

I learned something when I moved out to the country suddenly all my clones were dyeing and I went from 100% to 50% over night and that went on for almost 2 years. :sad: Then I moved back in town I was back to 100% it took me awhile to finger it out. Turns out in the country I was on well water and pathogens would eat me alive in less the 3 days. It was the chlorine in the water that was saving me go figure:wall:. I was always taught to get rid of chlorine. Ez clone company started pedaling this stuff called clear rez which is nothing more then pool shock for an outrageous small fortune.
Here is a link from our own roll it up laying down some truth. https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/423650-make-2200-worth-clear-rez.html
Long story short use plain water unless you live in the woods then use some pool shock. After you see roots use some bloom nutrients at about 300 ppm and go from there. Good luck bro. Here is a link to my cheap bubble cloner if ya wanna take a look. https://www.rollitup.org/dwc-bubbleponics/660064-diy-bubble-cloner-super-simple.html.
I guess ez clone didn't make enough money on us with a 400 dollar unit they want to sell you .04 worth of pool shock for 20 dollars. I think that takes the cake on rip offs if you ask me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
I agree with you 100% on the plain ol 'tap water , no pH adjustment necessary and no root gel. This is what works very well for me too in my bubble cloner. You have a great DIY attitude when it comes to chem additives. Not only is it economical but it is sometimes more convenient and stealthy to roll your own additives. I applaud you sir. If you ever think you might need an incredible design on an extremely stable and fully adjustable "on a whim" level sensor ( to control auto top off of evaporated /consumed water in the reservoir) send me a pm and ill lay it out for you. I have a simple design that does for you what a float switch cannot . I know you didn't ask for it, but you seem to be open minded enough to consider something that would make your life easier by keeping the ppm's (and pH) extremely stable effortlessly. All the best!