bubble cloner


Well-Known Member
ok this might be a stupid question...
I keep reading the ph needs to be at say 6.5 for aero gardens. why is that? if you use bubble stones and the roots are not in the water (clones) you add no nutes what diff does it make? in a still you boil the water and condense the steam for pure clean water. can a bubble stone push the impurities into the air? I made a small 6 clone bubbler and add tapwater ph 7.3 had roots start in 4 days. now at 7 days and clones that started now have about an inch of root growth. I still do not understand aero gardens completely so any feed back would be a great help. As I see this you could grow large plants with a good set up. seems the roots need to stay out of the water.


Well-Known Member
here is a quick shot of my bubbler. have one dead clone, it was in bad shape when it went in. the other3 where form a broken plant two have good roots going after about ten days and one is kinda week

cfl grow 006.jpg


Well-Known Member
anyone want to take a stab at why 1 of 3 is turning yellow. the yellow stated in the center of the leaf and moved out the other 2 are still ok.cfl grow 017.jpg


Well-Known Member



Stumps, check those out.

My first guess would be too much water, lack of fresh air to roots.

1 out of 3 means the other 2 are okay, so it's somethings that isn't common to all 3, like an airstone issue, or a leaky hose, or valve turned wrong?

That is my guess now, but I will research to see if I can get the correct answer with ya. I'm a noob...

By the time I come up with an idea, I'm sure you'll get an answer from someone else who knows more than me.

I can tell ya this. When ph is too low, the new growth will not form correctly and parts of the leaf will be missing as if something ate at it...

Cyas, but otherwise, looks happy to me. Blow her some kisses too... lol


Well-Known Member
I;ve been trying different types of stones, but none has really impressed me. I am considering getting the flat round, diffuser, or the twin cylindrical synthetic ones. Any experience?

I will shop for a heater, my current one died, and I am thinking of trying co2 if I can find a good deal. Any persons who want me to do an honest review of any products, please contact me. Maybe we can help each other...


Well-Known Member
found one air tube kinked off got it working again so I'll see if it helps. Any one ever try adding o2 into the bubble chamber?? I keep reading that you can't give the roots to much o2.