I'm about to make bubble hash for the first time. I have about 6 gallon bags of all sorts of trim from fan leaves and sugar leaves to high quality trim and frosted stems. Do I need to chop up all the trim before using it? Would it be better if I did? I'm just worried that because it's been in the freezer when I chop it up I'll lose a lot of trichs to the cutting board or where ever. Has anyone made bubble with full leaves and such, or just quality trim? Thanks for any help.
I'm about to make bubble hash for the first time. I have about 6 gallon bags of all sorts of trim from fan leaves and sugar leaves to high quality trim and frosted stems. Do I need to chop up all the trim before using it? Would it be better if I did? I'm just worried that because it's been in the freezer when I chop it up I'll lose a lot of trichs to the cutting board or where ever. Has anyone made bubble with full leaves and such, or just quality trim? Thanks for any help.

i only used high qualty sugar trim for my hash. anything that doesnt have trichs i wouldnt bother with. def no hard stems they can tear the bags. about the chopping up part im not sure if id even use that large of fan leafs for hash. the sugar trim will be chopped up already. hope this helps. mite be worth a try to use all the trim and see how it turns out

Fuck the hash, how about a tutorial on how to get a hottie like the one in your pictures.

haha im not even go start on this one
man i think everyone should cool a little on your wife. my wife is hot too but maryjane has never broke my heart. lets get to business and ill ask a question-how do u even smoke the stuff without lookin like a crackhead(foil, spoon,whatever..) is there a special pipe, can you vaporize? sorry to be direct but I try to ask when appropriate and because every method brought up and updated works. wish I could have learned sooner. when is the perfect time to start collecting trichomes using this method? what does hash go for$$? what is the usual thc content?
man i think everyone should cool a little on your wife. my wife is hot too but maryjane has never broke my heart. lets get to business and ill ask a question-how do u even smoke the stuff without lookin like a crackhead(foil, spoon,whatever..) is there a special pipe, can you vaporize? sorry to be direct but I try to ask when appropriate and because every method brought up and updated works. wish I could have learned sooner. when is the perfect time to start collecting trichomes using this method? what does hash go for$$? what is the usual thc content?

Marijane has never broken my heart either... But boomers wife deserves the "Nice tastefull" Comments she gets.

On the Hash note...

Smoking the stuff: There are many ways to Use hash. U can get glass screens for ur bowls and smoke it in any pipe/waterpipe that ur used to... u can do like in europe and roll it up with cigs.. (if u smoke already)... Basically warm the hash a little with a lighter and then crumble on the cig leafs.. warm up a litle more and mix in ur hand with ur other fingers.. then roll and enjoy..

u can cook with it by just adding as many grams as u want for ur butter....

I just put it in my bubbler... :-)

When: I have tried using the rim when wet and when dry and when frozen... I have to sa my fav is to dry first.. then freeze ... and then make hash.... takes a little planning but ull get the best results.

using fresh trim is no good.. U wull get a product.. but ull find that allot of trichs have stuck to ur bag and the plant matter cause its sticky... Dried trim is better.

Cash$: Hash im sure has many prices.. BUt good hash will go between 20-30$ a gram.
(but by god why would u sell ur hash!)

thc content: Although some plant matter might get chopped up so small that the other bags wont catch it (very very very very very little, Almost null)
hash should be close to the 100% trichome content... as far as the thc lvls vs the cbd lvls that has nothing to do with how u make the hash... and all on how long u let the trichs mature...

Good luck !

i only used high qualty sugar trim for my hash. anything that doesnt have trichs i wouldnt bother with. def no hard stems they can tear the bags. about the chopping up part im not sure if id even use that large of fan leafs for hash. the sugar trim will be chopped up already. hope this helps. mite be worth a try to use all the trim and see how it turns out

haha im not even go start on this one

Whatup Boomer! Been a while man... Hows life treatn u bro!

I make hash in stages... I love my hash though soo... Not sure if everyone will agree.... LOL

What i like to do is harvest all the big buds and dry...that trim makes very good hash and i keep it seperate.....

the rest i just use the whole "surround the stem at the base with ur thumb and inde finger and go up towards the little buds in a fast motion (or down into a paper bag :-)... )...and take everthing into a paper bag... Ill let it dry for a week or more making sure to shake the bag(s) every day when i member (sometimes 2 or 3 ties a day..lol..) .. i wouldnt fill up the paper bags more than a half or 1/4...so there less risk to grow mold the shaking helps too.. I use everything on the plant except for the big fan leafs and the stems....if it has some trichs on it.. Im adding it.. I want them...LOL..

hell ull be surprised how many times u get medicated from the little stuff u usually throw away... Amazing!

beena good minute since ive had a chance to checkin on the thread. glad to see genfranco roll thru and give us sum words of wisdom 8)

so far i pack a bowl of my WW in the bubb and sprinkle the hash on top. gets me pretty faded. theres a lot of diff ways to smoke hash. its all about experimentation for me.

been workin on the new growrooms so those of u who havent followed my previous grows its a good time to jump over and follow.

doin 4'x8' hydro tables with 3600w of flower and c02 generator then a secondary flower room for veg and mothers/clones. great AC and ventilation ideas. click on the link in my signature and pull up a chair
Your woman is nice bro:leaf:

I been making bubble ever since fresh headies in Canada been making the ORIGINAL bags... you know "Bubbleman" I think hes out of the biz but the site is still there along with the original instructions heres a link bros http://www.bubblebag.com/instructions/bubblebag_detailed.php

Bro try your first run with just sugar leaf... no suckers.....stir it with a large mixing spoon for 10 min... then gather your shit....this will be the purest bubling goodness from the gods no green tint yummy ass bubble:lol:


Just curious why that hash looks diff from each other... Did you go through the same process using the bubble bags and those are just the different micron amounts? Most of them looks sticky.... and that one in the top right looks almost like compressed keef.
sum people mix their hash togteher. i dont for medical collective reasons. i keep each micron run thru diff and i do two run throughs
Ok so heres one I just did today... Took about 2.5 hours total but it turned out well for my first time.

How long do I let it sit out for? And then whats the next process before I can smoke it?

Lemme know your thoughts :)

The second pic btw is of from the 2nd smallest screen


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Looks good. I like to let it dry for a while. It usually drys enough to work with pretty quickly an hour or less. Warm place with air movement. Then I like to press it. I made a press with a vise and metal pipe. Put it in the press and make a nice coin. Then you can smoke it. It still has some time to dry after that too. It will smoke fine but if you put it in a container it can mold. So I like to leave it out for a few days and even then I put it in a lightly sealed container until I'm sure it is dry enough. I have had it mold on me a few times when I thought it must be dry enough and sealed it up tight. It was a bummer each time.
you need to let it dry for atleast 48 hrs
+ this way is a very long winded way to make bubble hash
all you need is a portable washing machine with a spinner add trim + ice to wash compartment do a 30 min cycle then drain into bubble sacks then pour water back inti machine
its 1 of the best kept secrets for making bubble hash
how much did the portable washing machine cost u?

this thread was written in regards to bubble hash makin via hash bubble bags. im sure the washing machine would work hell of a lot better if its within ur budget. i myself may consider that route next if the price is rite.
in uk that washing machine is £80
all it does is mix the you trim + ice together
then empty the trim juice into bubble sacks
it takes the hard work out of making good bubble
ill upload a few pics 2morrow as got a few sacks of trim to wash
in uk that washing machine is £80
all it does is mix the you trim + ice together
then empty the trim juice into bubble sacks
it takes the hard work out of making good bubble
ill upload a few pics 2morrow as got a few sacks of trim to wash

well the method i used doesnt require any labor regarding mixing the trim and ice. my setup does it all stand alone. just plug and play DIY. cost me $10 to make.

the issue i had labor wise was holding and sifting the bags bak and forth until i found a shake/jiggle move that sped the process up. but its always good for others on here to see and consider other options. espeically if they arent into the do it yourself stuff
well the method i used doesnt require any labor regarding mixing the trim and ice. my setup does it all stand alone. just plug and play DIY. cost me $10 to make.

the issue i had labor wise was holding and sifting the bags bak and forth until i found a shake/jiggle move that sped the process up. but its always good for others on here to see and consider other options. espeically if they arent into the do it yourself stuff

Another plus to your rig is; when you are done, you don't have a mini-washing machine you have to stow somewhere. You can get old used washers that will fill, agitate and drain for maybe 20 bucks at goodwill and places like that. I find the drill and paintmixer method works well, is cheap and kind of sociable.

Plus rep for your thread boomer.:blsmoke:
this is to much complicated use the butane method honey oil is better :)

Well, I made bubble hash for the first time recently; it took me about an hour including washing up afterward. It cost me about 70 dollars and yielded 12 grams of primo hash.

I didn't add any chemicals to my material and I didn't blow myself up either.

Bubble hash is so easy a caveman could do it.
butane for lighters is like 2$ and one pvc pipe with 2 caps (30 cm long) round 2 $ and remember honey oil is only pure active ingredients ,And the quality of the weed doesnt matters cause it extracts only active ingredients so if your weed is 30 grams with 20 % Active Containment u get 6 grams of purest THC.And if its 5%thc u get 1,5 grams only thc... i recomend the butane ,method even for some wild shit u found it can be extracted by leaves too try it dont throw leaves away if u have :)...

And if u have extra quality oil try smokin 0,5 grams thats like u smoked 3 grams of marihuana :) on two chokes :)