Bubble hash question


Active Member
I am new to concentrates and have only done bubble and butter so far but I compensate for the low yield by putting my leftovers in a pot to make butter. The bags won't get 100% of your medicine out so I take my water and trim straight to a big ol chili pot and add butter.

As for which bags to use. I usually only use the trash bag, 25mc and 2 in between. I don't need 19 grades of hash... Too much work to use 8 bags. Ain't nobody got time for that. Having 3 grades is enough for me. I guess it is just personal preference. You won't lose any, you will just have a larger yield of mixed grade. I like to have a 25mc "10" primo hash and then the next level down might only be an 8 because it is basically a mix of 7,8,9.
Yes I was wishing I had saved more hash to make butter which IMO is much better than butter made with flowers because you dont need to strain it to remove plant matter....it's already mostly gone. I was taken aback how potent my dbl choco hash butter cookies were and by how quickly the affects were felt. Gave some butter I made to a chef-enthusiast friend who made a giant brownie from scratch out of it ...Yum


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with Mr.Cannoli...

As I learned from him^...
For hundred of thousands of years; this sacred plant of healing has been utilized for medicinal purposes, when making the most abundant” concentrate” worldwide; Hashish, was produced via heat, and NOT ice.

The ice method is was introduced as a ” new and improved” marketing scheme....

To sell us the consumer, bags of mesh in sets of 8, when only 3 are needed. All just a vehicle to sell product targeted at the MJ community.

Oh My!!
The shhit I read yesterday......

Makes me really question a LOT of what's true vs. myth in this cannabis community.

Perhaps I'll start a new thread....

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
A few hundred of years are usually necessary to create a myth, the cannabis community can do that in under a quarter of a century. BRAVO
420 and OG are prime example of it.


Well-Known Member
Agreed again Frenchy.

Below is a snippet from an OLD article I was reading yesterday.

The article highlighted the corruption in the MJ industry, some of our must beloved icons of cannabis culture:.... FRAUD? Skunk-man Sam aka David Watson in works with Hortapharm and GW Pharmaceuticals in coalition with High Times Magazine.

*note *The article references pictures, in which were not visible, I will try to find the complete article with pics, possibly start a new thread..

But for now...read this shit...(again older news, but pertinent none-the-less)

In a special issue of High Times that basically introduces new products to consumers. Clarke brought the bubble bag fraud full circle again, calling it a new innovative technique, basically using the same information they used when they introduced these frauds in 1998-2000. They have a new generation of young stoners and medical patients with no cannabis knowledge to cheat.

Here are 3 photographs that show the fraud for what it is:

1. Here you see resins glands at bottom of glass, valuable oils and terpenes floating on top, and on top of that water floating, clear separation seen. You lose immediately 30-40% using either 25 or 33 micron catch bag. From this point you should have gone to coffee filter 5 micron, but you don’t make money selling paper coffee filters. Everything about bags works against and retards the Ice Water technique, the US patent was granted in 2000, but for Europe and Canada only in 2006 (!). Every time you add a bag on top of the 2 bag system you can add a dilution, in a 9 bag system you have diluted formula a dozen times. What they neglected to tell you is that Mother Nature does all the work for you. The ice method made sieving and all forms of processing cannabis obsolete. 2. In Clarke’s article he states nylon sieving bags as new innovative technique. Well thank Soumi La Valle for leaving us his great work on Hashish. Here circa 1979 you see a Lebanese cannabis worker holding her 70- micron sieve. This is the final sieve used in making the finest Lebanese hashish, they started with metal window screen to remove seeds and stems and that material they processed threw 3 sizes of nylon sieves the 1st being 150 micron –120 micron-70 micro being the last sieve used to make 00 hashish the finest. . They attached this Lebanese technique to the Ice Method and called it new innovative technique, when reality the Ice method made sieving obsolete. They told you to grind up your material, why? As in the ice water environment leaves become flexible, fiber matter stays intact, and resin glands fall off with simple agitation. What they don’t tell you is that the method releases the oils in trichomes, and that the bags have no way of collecting them, flavor, taste, aroma lost. Clarke calls it a new innovative technique, when sieving of Hashish goes back to Alexander the Great in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon, and is one of the oldest techniques used by Chinese farmers in Asia going back 1000’s of years, before nylon they used silk, metal sieves were introduced in the 19th century and are still in use in Afghanistan to this day. What’s funny is that all the grow gurus never show you the Lebanese technique, as that would expose the fraud. 3. This is a photo of the back of a Lebanese hash factory and those mounds are leftover cannabis from the hash making process. I can reprocess that left over material, and give you more and better hashish than you made to begin with, because everything under 70 micron was left behind. I can do the same with any material run threw any bag system, flavor, aroma, taste I will recapture using correct technique.

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
I will be giving a lecture at the Emerald Cup on the origins of concentrate, sieving and its evolution in connection with the Silk Road and a tour of producing countries: Nepal, India, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Morocco (geography, sieving technique and finish products) with plenty to back you up

Scotty Pot Seed

Active Member
Yes I was wishing I had saved more hash to make butter which IMO is much better than butter made with flowers because you dont need to strain it to remove plant matter....it's already mostly gone. I was taken aback how potent my dbl choco hash butter cookies were and by how quickly the affects were felt. Gave some butter I made to a chef-enthusiast friend who made a giant brownie from scratch out of it ...Yum

Just made some bubble today and added my trash to a few stick of butter. Used the leftover water as well. Everything already sat on the bottom and I didn't have to "cook" it. Just gave it some time for the butter to become saturated with whatever might be left. I wish I waited a day though. I had no idea I was that wrong on my micron bag choices. Frecnhy schooled me and I am grateful. Next time I will use a better suited set.


Active Member
We all live & learn and refine our methods a little more each time we try something new. Like Frenchy says sharing info is the key to unlocking all the bs out there. Hey I used those cheapo bags too...