I just got done making some bubble hash today. First time and I have no clue as to how to get the hash that is stuck on the bottom of the bags off. I decided to just let the shit dry on there and I'll scrape it off later. I probably have close to a gram total stuck to 3 bags.
Currently I've yielded .6 grams of hash and this was from the 25u bag so its good product and no green at all in the hash. My bud to leaf ratio was sort of high so there wasn't much trim to work with ( I didn't weigh it, just trimmed it off and threw it in freezer bags).
I trim my buds right off the plant and throw trim in freezer bags directly into the freezer. Mine has been in the freezer for over 4 months and I still added a full bag of ice and agitated for 15 min by hand, no power tool. I let it sit for 30 min before removing the first bag, then I let it sit another 30 min before removing the rest and scraping what was not stuck to the bottom.
I would like to add that no matter if I tried to spray the hash to the center of the other bags it didn't work, I also tried dipping it back into the water to get it to the center like I did with the 25u bag. It could also be that I bough cheap bags, that or my hash is too sticky.. LoL
Anyways, I got .6 grams so far, but its not completely dry.
Here is what it looked like when I first pulled it from the bag
View attachment 3324184
And here is the hash 10 hours later
View attachment 3324183
Not sure if being indica or sativa has to do with the color of the final product, but most of the trim came from an indica while I added some smaller immature buds from a sativa.
I haven't smoked any yet cause its not dry enough, but I think I did pretty good for my first time.
So this is basically the outcome of wet + freeze.
Lastly, I didn't grind up anything, everything was either whole trim or immature buds. I've read that grinding up your trim or whatever makes it more likely for green leaf material to end up in your final product, I don't want that, I want mine to be full melt.
Edit: I've been drying mine on wax paper because its too sticky to put on any type of paper like cardboard, it would more than likely pull up pieces of card board and I don't smoke that sort of paper.