Bubble Pot closet grow (new member) Feedback plz.

new member here. Just thought I'd share a bit of my closet
that I just brought back into action. Previously I was using a
home-made bubbleponics system, but I'm trying out something
different this time. I just couldn't bring myself to abandon bubbles
completely, but the bubbleponics gig requires precision and attention.
Two things that I'm not well known for.
This grow my medium is Seasoil, Perlite, Coconut Husk, and my Uncle Joe's
secret top dressing.
The pic doesn't do a great job of showing the bucket setup, but you get the
general idea. Each plant gets two 4l buckets. One with lots of drainage holes,
containing the plant, grow mix, and a few inches of Hydroton lining the bottom.
The first bucket then slides into the second bucket, which contains 1.5l of water
and an airstone.
Really, all I'm trying to accomplish here is more oxygen into the roots. Thereby,
increasing harvest and grow speed. So far, it's working like a dream.

A few weeks ago, I came upon 5 Nebula clones and decided to put this setup
to the test. I already had 8 new 4l buckets, air pumps, stones, attachments
and such... so setup cost was already taken care of. With the 8 matching
buckets, I now have 4 Bubble Pots setup... and one poor loner who is just in the grow
mix. The loner was just to see how much faster the bubbles were, but now
I'm just wishing I'd done all 5. This pic is 10 days after they came out of their
Rockwool cubes and into their new pots. Center plant is bubbleless.
I want these plants small, so I topped them and flipped them to flower as soon as
they'd settled into their new pots. Hoping for a nice even canopy, with no
popcorn buds.. and i might top them again in a few days. I'm 10 days into
flowering stage right now (see pic below), and really enjoying how easy the setup
is working. Probably going to just clone out the plant without bubbles, it's just falling
too far behind and will just be a waste of space in the long run.
10 days flower.jpg

Anyone with any thoughts, advice, comments, or questions... please post.
New to this site, so hello to all you members of the Rollitup community.
Also, sorry for the crazy coloured photos. It's pretty bright in there.

P.S - how do i chose an avatar?