Bubblegum / Speed Queen, 1000W HPS + 430W HPS


Thanks for stopping by everyone. I actually just found rollitup after scouring the internet for any trace of an older growing community I used to post my grow pics in. Anyways, I'm here now cause this seemed like the best place available nowadays for reliable info, and mature posters.

Anyways onto my grow... I haven't quite gotten to setup stages as I'm having a professional installation of "blackout" blinds for my intended room within the week. Nevertheless, I've sprouted my beans, which you probably already know by now are Bubblegum and Speed Queen, and there of six of each for the record.

I will be building a room inside a room with a wooden frame, and Plywood / Mylar for the walls.

I have a 1000W HPS Eye Hortilux system, as well as a 430W HPS Son Agro setup.

I've used Fox Farm nutes in the past and will stick with them again for this run since I still have well over $100 dollars worth of the Flowering Tri Pack, and a bottle of Grow Big. I also started using Hygrozyme last time around and saw amazing results so that's gonna be used as well.

Other than that, here's a few quick shots of them so far. This is day 6 I believe. Forgot to keep track cause I smoke alot, but we'll say day 6. :)

The Speed Queen is the first pic, and I have to say they had some issues compared to the vigorous growth of the Bubblegum. Bubblegum is the second shot, and the last one is of the whole group.

Oh, and I've grown the following strains in the past. NYC Diesel (fav), Somango, Blueberry (Dutch Passion), Grapefruit, and a few more I'll remember later. Peace. ;)



alright, so it's been awhile since I updated, and I know how boring journals with just seedling pics are so here goes. i'm now into the fifth week of veg, and transplanted into 4 gallon pots today (i thought i ordered 5 gal, but these are actually going to work out better for my spaces). 2 of my most vigorous bubblegum are showing what i believe to be male pre-flowers which never ceases to piss me off. :(

anyways, here's a few catchup shots from weeks 2-3.

and here's what they look like now at day 32 veg. i guess i took a risk repotting them all before they're sexed, but i couldn't bear to see them struggle in the tiny pots they started in, and i didn't want to have to transplant twice...



Alright everyone, no one seemed to notice I was here yet so I figured I'd have to (figuratively speaking) yell a little louder.. :)

Here are some shots of my ladies as a group (the only 2 males have been ousted since last update) during their first week of flower. Also popped a Diesel Ryder to see how well it will perform under the 1000w in 12/12. (cross your fingers for it to be a female, i really want to try that bud!)

This first shot if of the stinkiest of the group, in fact, this bushy ass Bubblicious is the only one that smells at this point, and it's been stank ever since week 3! She had preflowers during an 18 hour light cycle after 30 days. Crazy.

This next one is the tallest Speed Queen at about 23". I've got 8 ft of clearance so they can (try) to stretch all they want.. :)

This one is of the largest of the group, and she is a Bubblicious. I couldn't ask for 2 heartier females since I only have 2 of this strain.

This Speed Queen girly has outrageously bushy growth for the smallest of the group. Also has the largest fan leaves of all.

This next one is also Speed Queen, and has had some weird leaf discoloration from early on, but i don't think it's a nutrient related issue. Only two leaves in completely different areas had the pigment loss..

And last but probably the most symetrical of the bunch, a nicely structured Speed Queen.
