bubblelicious nivana seeds


Well-Known Member
here we go got 6 female out of 10 was put on bloom 6th april yesterday after 4 week veg grown in murphy multi purpouse compost feedin biobiz grow bloom, using two x 600w sodium grolux, seeds were put str8 under the 600w sodiums which were about 60 inch above the seedlings started to lower slowly until lights are about 24 inch from top of plant took pics of 4 plants cunt be arsed to get all out of room got ph of 6.8 temp and humidity is fine and no its not my first grow b4 you ask



Well-Known Member
i just started some bubblelicious a few weeks ago. be intersting to see what i have to look forward to. mine are under a 2 foot 4 bulb 96w t5s 6500k. i think i will only veg 2 weeks. try keep them smaller. then under the 1000w hps.

i did some chroinc under the t5s and the node spacing seems to be just as tight as bag seed i did under the 1000w hps.

on your other grows did you always use the 600watters from seed to flower?
what you go with 24/7 or 18/6?
you have any pic up till now?

sorry about all the question man. i am on my first grow, and just trying to gage how i am doing. don't get many responses in my grow thread.


Well-Known Member
i always start grow 24 hr light first 2 week then drop to 18/6 again 2 week then drop to 12/12.
i use to start my grows on t5 first 2 week 24 hr light then i would switch to sodium 18/6 2week then 12/12, now i just put under sodium, higher lights up so they dont fry, i use bio root juice first 2 week veg be4 i go on 18/6 use bio grow, when in flower bio bloom and bio top max, avoid composts wi slow release shit in it fine 4 hanging baskets flower tubs not really sutable for wat we want


Well-Known Member
sorry was takin pics in total darkness lol 2nd day bloom seedlings put in as lights cum on in 20 mins seedlings out in 12 hour when lights go off on 400w sodium for 6 hours, having to do this as we are having work done in house and had to empty my vegin room as it is upstairs where the workmen are lol finger crossed they will be finnished in 2-3 week and i can get bak to normal.
theres two blueberry on flower as well as the 6 bubbleicious



Well-Known Member
the seedlings are ak48 blueberry and bubblegum my own i used an aurora indica male to polanate on last crop only did a couple buds on each plant 4 the seed should be interesting to see how they turn out all parent plants were from seed bank not bagseed i never grow bagseed


Well-Known Member
sweet man. your space is about the same as mine. i was afraid to try more than 4 at a time, thinking i would not have room. looks like you are pulling it off. yea i think i am done with bag seed also. blueberry is next.

what are you using for odor control?
are the indica hard to grow?

good luck man and keep the pics coming.


Well-Known Member
the best blueberry seeds i have ever come accross i bought from amsterdam at rambrent or rembrant seeds or coffee shop carnt quite remember dont know if you can order on line will google l8r they wernt expensive the quality of the flavour stone was out of this world wiped the floor with the dutch passion blueberry


Well-Known Member
yes m8 mine are 600w hps will post pic of control gear when lights come on in 2 hours, they came with standard son t bulbs, i said i would buy 2 light setups if he would give me growlux bulbs, he did.


Well-Known Member
had a few problems during week, with 2 fans going down my intake the green fan in pic should have replcement 2morro, and the desk fan thats sorted now,the bubblicious did not like the rise of temp, heres sum pics not great take a few more when lghts come on



Well-Known Member
despite the few probs i have had, everything still on target here's some more pics and a video if it plays done on phone, fist pic is last week when i first put on flower 6th april the rest are today 13th april.

