Bubbleponic Nirvana Bubblicious First Grow


Well-Known Member
I'm really excited about my snow white also! It looks like it is going to have a lil more punch then my bubblelicious.


Well-Known Member
yea i justed looked at the snow white on nirvana website and it just look like its gonna be covered in THC.. I wished i had more room so i could have a separate tent for veg and flowering that way i could be starting a new grow right now.


Well-Known Member
I decided to add the second 400w hps today instead of waiting 2 more weeks to kind of lower the chance of heat stress that late in flowering also to make sure that my exhaust could handle the extra heat. so far my temps are steady at 87-88 degrees. I've read on the site of people growing in the high 80 to low 90 degrees and had no problems. but i would like to know y'all insight on it. I'll probably add some pics later.


Well-Known Member
here go the pics of the tent with the 2 400w hps light.(they are better than the other pics cause i stole my girl camera lol) i got the batwings reflectors, i already know that them cooltubes will help with temps so eventually i'mma have to upgrade. Should i move the lights up a lil higher?



Well-Known Member
nah the lights look about the right distance.
If temps will allow it, you can move them closer for now, but they are doin good where they are!


Well-Known Member
Thanks DJ and P.

a little update kind of bad news but not really. Yesterday i hooked up the second 400w hps everything was looking good for about 6-7 hours but then i noticed that the plant on the right top leaves was curling down a little bit and i did my research and found out it was from the heat so i unplugged the second ballast. The plant on the left showed no signs of this probably because the fan is on the left side of my tent. So i decided to add another fan to go on the right side of the tent. this whole process of research and getting the other fan probably took no more than 30 mins. I set the fan up and plug the ballast back in and NO LIGHT. I figured the ballast might need some more time to cool off so i unplugged it and decided to let it cool over night, well today when it was time for the lights i plugged the ballast up and still no light. so i unplugged it and took the hps bulb out, switched the ballast to MH and put in a mh bulb and the light work. So i blew my 400w hps bulb after only getting 6-7 hours worth, but at least i didn't fuck up the ballast. Right now i got one 400w hps and one 400w MH going. I'm going to get a replacement hps bulb later this week. So if its any new growers that subscribe to this grow learn from my mistake.

If a ballast been running more than an hr and you have to unplug it for any reason make sure you allow time for the ballast and the bulb to completely cool off before plugging it back up.


Well-Known Member
Damn man that is kinda shitty but other than that every thing looks great and I am subbed up to see it!!!


Well-Known Member
Went inside tent to lower the lights a lil bit and the fan fell on one of my plants.. Its bad.. I tried taping the stems back but i'm pretty sure i might lose all or half of that plant. All i had to do was take the fucking fan outta the tent! I'm a lil upset so i'm gonna smoke and just keep telling myself i'm thankful that it didn't fall on both of my plants. Don't expect pictures tomorrow cause i'mma give it time to heal before i even change the reservoir. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Wow man i am sorry to hear that.... The same thing kinda happend to me today for the first time in my like but she is very small and I know she is going to pull through.. Im so sorry to hear and i will pray for her life.


Well-Known Member
yeah that does suck, but it happens to everybody.
I had my lights fall on my plants and knock them over and soil everywhere and broke plants. it sucks.
You will learn from your mistake and next grow you'll have all kinds of ideas run through your head about what you can do and how you can change the setup for max performance.
Sometimes I like walkin around stores just to stare at stuff and see what pops in my head on how I can use stuff to make my grow more efficient.
well that's how it is with me, always learnin how to make it better.


Well-Known Member
Bubblelicious is one of my favorite Nirvana strains. Very easy to grow, just watch out for Ca-Mg issues at around week 3-4 of flower... I've had three plants in 5 Bubblelicious grows develop Ca problems about half way through flowering, using Flora Nova Bloom and RO water. Results may vary, just keep a close eye out for rust spots ;)
Lets say a person is actually on week 4 of flowering and they are definitely having Ca+Mg issues. And this said person is using dyna-bloom in a soil less setup. How would one fix this problem? Also what if this person thinks that the leaves are turning too yellow for being so early into flowering. This person is also using General Organics full line, switching back and forth from the Dyna Bloom previously mentioned. Add more Ca+mg??? Any suggestions would be a big help Serpis, because I can tell you have definitely grown this strain before, your warning was spot on indeed. Thanks in advance. PS my screen name comes from the great poker player Allen Cunningham not LE....


Well-Known Member
Quick lil update....

The plant that had the accident is actually doing a lot better. After giving it time i rechecked the damage.. It seems i only lost a couple of fan leaves and maybe 2 or 3 side branches that had pistils. The four main stems after the "FIM" technique are still standing after being taped and tied together. I'mma leave the tape on there for a while. 3 of the 4 main stems show no sign of anything even happened and one of them have a lil bit of droopy top leaves but it's very much alive so i only lost maybe 10% of the plant. I've read that people actually break the main stem on purpose and let it heal itself they call it "High Stress Training". So even tho the plant seem to be doing better i'm keeping my eyes out for any signs of a hermie. Hopefully everything be fine. I will have new pictures up in the next couple of days.


Well-Known Member
Day 18 flowering pics

Changed the reservoir and kind of burnt the top of one of my plants but its seem to be doing ok.



Well-Known Member
Lookin pretty sweet man :D I'll definately be following your grow on here. My bubbleponics grow is seeing great results as well thusfar. I was j/w, but have you or are you planning on trimming them up a bit?