bubblicous/narkush/ata-tundra gro


Well-Known Member
here's a couple of tonights pics.

the first one is the 2 k-trains that i thought had bit the dust. they haven't given up yet. i managed to pop the seed casing off of both of them tonight without crushing them but i'm not too hopeful. you can see all the algae going on in the pots because i've been keeping them super damp and humid for days now. if the first leaves (cotyledons?) dont open up overnight i'm giving up on them.

the other 2 pics are the narkush and bubblicious.



Active Member
first pic is a female seed a bud gave me other two bag seed all bout 2 weeks in veg when do you think i should start adding ff grow big give another week?? wouldnt hurt nothin right?? cause i noticed just a few others not pictured with nute burn and are now comeing out of it.... meaning that they dont need any nute right now right???


Well-Known Member
the 2 k-trains leaves still had not opened up tonight but they still seem to be hanging in there so i took a toothpick and my fingers and manually opened them up. one of them popped right out of the soil so i poked a hole in the dirt with the toothpick and shoved her right back in. i'm impressed they have taken so much abuse and not dropped dead yet. :twisted:

i put 3 more k-train seeds in the dirt tonight after soaking them for 48 hours in distilled water. i took a look at the seeds under my magnifier and all three had slightly cracked open so maybe i'll have more luck this time.

added a drop of superthrive to my water tonight and misted them pretty good.

pic 1 are the 2 abused should be dead k-trains
pic 2-5 is the short chubby little narkush. i love this little plant. she's like the anti-stretch so far.
pic 6 are the kids after their bath



Well-Known Member
:cuss:where the fuck are my pictures? they were just here!

the 2 k-trains leaves still had not opened up tonight but they still seem to be hanging in there so i took a toothpick and my fingers and manually opened them up. one of them popped right out of the soil so i poked a hole in the dirt with the toothpick and shoved her right back in. i'm impressed they have taken so much abuse and not dropped dead yet. :twisted:

i put 3 more k-train seeds in the dirt tonight after soaking them for 48 hours in distilled water. i took a look at the seeds under my magnifier and all three had slightly cracked open so maybe i'll have more luck this time.

added a drop of superthrive to my water tonight and misted them pretty good.

pic 1 are the 2 abused should be dead k-trains
pic 2-5 is the short chubby little narkush. i love this little plant. she's like the anti-stretch so far.
pic 6 are the kids after their bath



Well-Known Member
notice how my seedlings leaves are curling down. plus the newer leaves have very pronounced ridges. i've seen this before on previous grows and i didn't worry about it too much and the plants always seem to turn out ok. i just thought it was different strains and pheno's presenting differently.

however, not i'm wondering if this behavior is a function of how close i have the HID light to the plants. it is NOT heat because my temps are around 70 degrees and i can put my hand on the glass of my reflector all night and it doesn't get hot.

i started with the 150w CFL but promptly switched to the 250w MH. i had the light maybe 10" away. i raised it tonight to about 20".

what do you guys think? am i keeping my MH light too close to my seedlings?



Well-Known Member
first time i've used these bags. they certainly are cheap! i think i would prefer a rigid square container better.

i'm liking the cow pots i put the seeds in. i like them better than the peat pots. the cow pots were totally easy to simply tear off. they seem to disintegrate quite fast. last time i grew used cocofiber pots and i liked them as well - they don't fall apart at all but they seem more porous than the peat pots and the roots easily move through them.

the 3 narkush had quite a long set of roots coming out of the drain hole at the bottom of the cow pot. the 4 bubbliscious had no roots out of the cow pot. the k-trains are just babies.

since i moved the light up the leaf curl seems a little bit better... i'm reasonably certain i had the light too close and next time around i'll keep it higher when they are youngsters.

still under the 250w MH but will be switching to the 400w in a few days.

guard cats says "you shall not pass!"




Well-Known Member
ooops, CORRECTION, these are 1 gallon grow bags.

first time i've used these bags. they certainly are cheap! i think i would prefer a rigid square container better.

i'm liking the cow pots i put the seeds in. i like them better than the peat pots. the cow pots were totally easy to simply tear off. they seem to disintegrate quite fast. last time i grew used cocofiber pots and i liked them as well - they don't fall apart at all but they seem more porous than the peat pots and the roots easily move through them.

the 3 narkush had quite a long set of roots coming out of the drain hole at the bottom of the cow pot. the 4 bubbliscious had no roots out of the cow pot. the k-trains are just babies.

since i moved the light up the leaf curl seems a little bit better... i'm reasonably certain i had the light too close and next time around i'll keep it higher when they are youngsters.

still under the 250w MH but will be switching to the 400w in a few days.

guard cats says "you shall not pass!"



Well-Known Member
probably boring you guys, (hell, i'm boring myself) but here's a pic from tonight.

i took the 250w MH bulb and ballast and put them in the big blockbuster reflector. much much better. i love that hood, it works great for a 3x3, 4x4 square footprint even with the little 250w bulb.

i'm still kind of experimenting with how far i should keep the light from the plants. i probably tend to mist them too much when they are babies and if the HID is too close i think it frys those first leaves and has something to do with the leaf curl. that's my current hypothesis.



Well-Known Member
Misting while lights on will burn the leaves because the intense HID light gets magnified on the droplets of water on the leaves

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey Dance, whats up. Have you noticed any new growth since you raised the light? They may be stunted for a couple of weeks from the intense amount of lumens, I'm hoping not though. I was going to recommend going back to the cfl but if they are not stunted maybe you dont have to worry about it. I noticed a week or two ago that I thought your girls were getting to much water and I think thats were your leaf curl is coming from....they also wont grow very fast if they are overwatered along with myriad of other problems. Prolly better to underwater them if anything, especially when they are small. I was responding in your thread about it and just as I was finishing, I lost it all.

Things are going great in this neck of the woods :) . Pumping out some TGA on a regular basis, and back to my legit job. Might have to cut back on one of them! Overall I'm not real pleased with subs strains. They are not very flavorable, potency is so so, yields are small and the majority of the phenotypes throw out nanners towards the end. I'm waiting for my budroom to clear out in another 4 weeks or so and then I have 20 nice big clones, almost 2 feet tall now, that are going to go in. They are some of the better and heavier yielding phenos..........Oh ya!!!! almost forgot about 3 bag seeds that I germed a few days ago...I'll have to go check them. They are a few years old though, but it was some of the best bagweed that I've had.

Later man hope those little babies snap out of it :)


Well-Known Member
hi cave! i've got new growth so i think the damage was minimal. when i put them in the 1g bags they all seemed to have good root growth. and i think you're right that i was overwatering as well. (and misting way too much.) i think they made it through in spite of my blunders. someday i hope i get this dialed in. i think part of my problem is i can't seem to leave them alone! so i tinker and mess with them too much.

let me know what strains you'll be trying next time around. the only sub i've grown is the one vortex and i'm kinda with you on it. the yield was small and it didn't have the potency i was expecting. however, it's certainly good weed and i've been smoking it often. what do you friends say about the sub stuff they have tried? i read the entire sub super soil thread last night. very interesting to say the least. he certainly doesn't seem to have much respect for any of the current dutch growers and their seeds.

take care!

Hey Dance, whats up. Have you noticed any new growth since you raised the light? They may be stunted for a couple of weeks from the intense amount of lumens, I'm hoping not though. I was going to recommend going back to the cfl but if they are not stunted maybe you dont have to worry about it. I noticed a week or two ago that I thought your girls were getting to much water and I think thats were your leaf curl is coming from....they also wont grow very fast if they are overwatered along with myriad of other problems. Prolly better to underwater them if anything, especially when they are small. I was responding in your thread about it and just as I was finishing, I lost it all.

Things are going great in this neck of the woods :) . Pumping out some TGA on a regular basis, and back to my legit job. Might have to cut back on one of them! Overall I'm not real pleased with subs strains. They are not very flavorable, potency is so so, yields are small and the majority of the phenotypes throw out nanners towards the end. I'm waiting for my budroom to clear out in another 4 weeks or so and then I have 20 nice big clones, almost 2 feet tall now, that are going to go in. They are some of the better and heavier yielding phenos..........Oh ya!!!! almost forgot about 3 bag seeds that I germed a few days ago...I'll have to go check them. They are a few years old though, but it was some of the best bagweed that I've had.

Later man hope those little babies snap out of it :)


Well-Known Member
well i'm pleased to say that raising the light, backing way off on water, and not misting has really helped. good to know - i think i've created this problem in my past grows too. the leaf curl is gone and there's nice new growth on all of them. i suppose putting them in larger containers with potting soil might have helped too.

i'm trying my best to just leave them alone for a while!

my temps are around 68 - 72 degrees. that should be fine - right?



Well-Known Member
thanks tom.

here's a few pix from tonight. i think things are looking good. right out of the gate the narkush are definitely shorter and bushier than the bubbliscious. the k-trains are a couple of weeks behind.

haven't killed them yet! :clap:

Yup those temps are completely fine



Well-Known Member
tonights pix. i'm watering them every 3 or 4 days, no nutes just a drop of superthrive. i'm still trying to mess with them as little as possible. :shock:

i think they popped out the soil about 4 weeks ago. the k-trains on the left side are 2 weeks.

still under the 250w mh 20/4.

