Bucket Grow, in tree. Anyone have experience?

I am gonna try growing in a 5 gallon bucket suspended in the trees with a rope (like a pully system). I have drilled drainage holes in the bottom of the bucket, using roots organic soil, and a snap hook to keep the bucket suspended.

Has anyone tried a variation of this grow method? Any tips would be great, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Ha, my friend thinks his dad used to grow like that. Its all about finding the right tree. Some trees will just shade the plant. Strong storms could bring everything crashing down. Deer stands could be a starting point if you dont have hunters and game wardens. I have no experience with it but chose agaisnt it. I have seen a few evergreens that when grown together in ofset rows make a good canopy that buckets would go undetected and with the trees being cone shaped, plants can grow out from the trees shade.h


Well-Known Member
i have thought about this over the years
almost was going to try it this year, but decided to go low
i have read the threads on it, it has worked for some people
the tree you grow in should stay green until your harvest, otherwise it may not be too stealthy