Bucket heads TGA Querkle & Serious Ak47 Frosty Winter Buds

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
how do you tell if you've got males before going 12/12?

looks for the balls... they started just poping out even during vegg. I know that may seem odd it surprised me too. Even the girls are showing preflowers. quite amazing, this 20/4 light schedule has really been working out. Im sure it has more to do with the genetics though....bongsmilie


New Member
so did u notice thequerkle took a long time toveg? i heard it was a slow grower.. butidk i got querkleseedling so im hopingfor thebest

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
so did u notice thequerkle took a long time toveg? i heard it was a slow grower.. butidk i got querkleseedling so im hopingfor thebest

Ya the querkle has been slower to vegg, but from what subcool says and from what ive noticed. The more space queen dominant they are the fast and taller they grow. And the more purple urkel dominate grpe slower. I have one femalr thatis the slowest out of the bunch. She is already show a small amount of purple. I will mo def make this a mother. I have 7 other querkle females that are going into flower now. cant wait to see them finish.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
looks for the balls... they started just poping out even during vegg. I know that may seem odd it surprised me too. Even the girls are showing preflowers. quite amazing, this 20/4 light schedule has really been working out. Im sure it has more to do with the genetics though....bongsmilie
damn, didn't realize that you can tell sex before 12/12. didn't think they showed their balls or hairs until after you flipped the switch, but hey, learned something new today.... though i've only grown with feminized seeds so far. :bigjoint:

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
damn, didn't realize that you can tell sex before 12/12. didn't think they showed their balls or hairs until after you flipped the switch, but hey, learned something new today.... though i've only grown with feminized seeds so far. :bigjoint:

ya man, ive never had plants show sex b4 12/12... but i have heard of plants showing sex traits i.e. preflowers and whatnot, but only after like 5-6 weeks in vegg. These plants have only been in for around 3 1/2 weeks. But hey man it just makes my job easier and i guess saves a little time as well. Its seems that the ak47 showed first. The querkle have been slower to show, but still have. And all the feminized freebies have shown there sex as well. And the male/female ratio is awesome. I mean i got 7 out of 11 with the ak47 and 8 out of 10 with the querkle. :bigjoint: Cant ask for much better. God this is gonna b some serious chronic at the end...lol bongsmilie

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sup bucket! yeah querkle will show early and take an extra week ish veg than you think i let mine veg 7 weeks and ended up with 5ft monsters. epic yield tho. when they say long veg its not like double long lol canopy management out the window!

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
sup bucket! yeah querkle will show early and take an extra week ish veg than you think i let mine veg 7 weeks and ended up with 5ft monsters. epic yield tho. when they say long veg its not like double long lol canopy management out the window!

haha... word man. :lol: So what yield did you get from your querkles?? iM shooting for 2 zips per plant. I think thats a realistic goal with two 600w hps lights. all in all i have twenty plants and im hoping all in all to get two pounds total, but we shall see.bongsmilie

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i got just shy of 4 on one and just over 4 from the other one was more purple the other more trainwreck, you can guess which was the bigger ;) ill drop a pic or two if ya want.

2 zips hahah youll get way more with 1200w


Well-Known Member
yea bucket 2 600W, damn man thats awesome
from every other "experienced" grower here i heard it is reallly reallly good to get a gram per watt so 1200 grams, 448 in a pound
little under 3 pounds would be possible
sidenote: bucket u have made me a subcool/serious seed believer lol

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I think I've been hurting my end yields by not vegging long enough. I use 2 400w HPS and pull about 350 grams every 3 weeks or so... I feel like I should be getting more and when I look at my plants they aren't as filled out as some of my earlier runs. I have been topping and letting them veg for 3-4 weeks. We will see what kind of results I get from that.

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
i got just shy of 4 on one and just over 4 from the other one was more purple the other more trainwreck, you can guess which was the bigger ;) ill drop a pic or two if ya want.

2 zips hahah youll get way more with 1200w

hellz ya man, get those pics... this thread needs pics asap...:bigjoint:
and trainwreck??? did you have querkle or purple wreck??? cause querkle is space queen/ purple urkel and the purple wreck is trainwreck/ purple urkel. Either way im sure there both good.

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
yea bucket 2 600W, damn man thats awesome
from every other "experienced" grower here i heard it is reallly reallly good to get a gram per watt so 1200 grams, 448 in a pound
little under 3 pounds would be possible
sidenote: bucket u have made me a subcool/serious seed believer lol

My avarage is around .7-.75 grams per watt of light. so with that in mind i think two pound is realistic. But then again this grow is lookin great and my set-up is dialed in just right. So its possible i might have more, but i want count on it. You cant count your chickens before they hatch..lol
And ya man tga/serious seeds are the shiznit for sure.

Only need to get pics up now tho... working on it guys. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Only need to get pics up know tho... working on it guys. :blsmoke:
I know your game... you are just making us wait for it. Building anticipation till you drop the green bomb on us. The only danger is the grow not living up to the buildup... but that is only a danger for noobs... you got shit dialed already, and saying this one is more dialed. WATCH OUT.

One thing you know about us fellow growers... we are patient. At least us good ones are.

Glad you enjoyed the rep.


Bucket head

Well-Known Member
I know your game... you are just making us wait for it. Building anticipation till you drop the green bomb on us. The only danger is the grow not living up to the buildup... but that is only a danger for noobs... you got shit dialed already, and saying this one is more dialed. WATCH OUT.

One thing you know about us fellow growers... we are patient. At least us good ones are.

Glad you enjoyed the rep.


that's whats up bro, i think it safe to say this is goon b one helluva show...
BTW today is officially Day 1 of 12/12 :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
hey bucket long time no see. i was following your last grow till my girlfriend flipped the f out and i eneded up tearing down my op and moving back to where i grew up. But now all is well, i got a bigger house. an awesome hidden room behind false wall in basement, shits on and poppin!!! U must have been some inspiration to me, I got some slh and white russian goin right now. Starting to worry that i might need to start flowerin these slh soon even though there only about 10-12 inches. How long or tall would u let slh go again before starting flowerin.

I'm with ya for this one but ya gotta get us some pics!!

Good Luck