it makes me wonder why so many people hear deal with shady seedbanks and sellers with zero background check on them. then even when these crooks are outed the mother fuckers here keep dealing with them. and this isn't the only thread like this maybe one of the longer ones.
this site has reviews and others do to on various banks. yet. just because tried and true folks don't have what many of you want,
the most common excuse for ordering is they had x, y, z and nobody else did. there comes a point that many online have reached and it's called stupidity. yet, still so many continue this habit then whine to folks like they are not responsible for making a fucked up decision and want sympathy and camaraderie based on this stupid shit.
i can't help but say that now days their are so many gullible and stupid growers with extra cash it seems who do this. yet , back in the day it was only a few folks who got burned. alerted the community and no threads multi pages long were common like they are now.
you can't blame a shiesty ass crook for being what they are imho. look in the mirror and blame that dude who looks back at you. stop repeating the same shit and then crying about it. this is for those who are fully guilty of what i speak. anyone else i'm not talking about you or to you. ijs smdh